Home Middlefield Cardinal’s Spelling Bee was a F-A-M-I-L-Y Affair

Cardinal’s Spelling Bee was a F-A-M-I-L-Y Affair

Photo: Haley Adams, Community Contributor

Last month, for the first time that had been recorded in Cardinal Spelling Bee history there were three sets of siblings that competed in the district competition. 

The Lehr family had sixth grader Alexander Lehr and eighth grader Sydney to represent their family. 

“Xander” finished in the fourth round with the word “sewing,” while Sydney made it into the ninth round, becoming the runner-Up. “Verve” had Sydney stumped, and came up just short of the Spelling Bee crown. 

“Sadly, I didn’t realize that the Spelling Bee was moved to Monday so I missed it, but I heard that it was great! I was more excited for them than nervous,” said Jennifer Gerlica. “As their mom, I was thrilled that they both were able to participate!” 

When studying for the Spelling Bee, both students had practiced with their mother, father, and also independently. In being supportive of each other, neither participant looked at the opportunity as competition, but were most more excited for their sibling.

“There wasn’t much competition between Sydney and Xander. They were both supportive of each other,” said Jennifer. “I found out that Sydney was in it first and then a week later Xander came home and said, “Mom, I have some news to share.” That’s when he told me he was in the Spelling Bee too! I think I screamed I was so excited that they both were going to compete. I love our district!”

 “Although they’re both definitely competitive, they are far more supportive of each other than they are competitive,” said their father Jason. “There was definitely some friendly teasing from one another, but at the end of the day they cheered each other on the whole way.” 

The Schrock’s had fourth and seventh grade representatives, Jesse and Eliza. Jesse put up a good fight but exited in the fifth round after “drawers” gave him trouble. Eliza fought hard up until the very end but fell in the ninth round with the tricky word of “mischievous.”

“I don’t think they were super competitive,” said Anna Schrock, the siblings’ mother. “There was occasional teasing over missed words, but overall, they were supportive of each other, and I think they were happy to have each other involved and there for the event and I think it was especially nice that Jesse had Eliza at the Middle School since the Jordak kids aren’t otherwise as familiar with the building. We were very proud! We were excited to be there and excited for them, but also a little nervous for all of them. We feel very fortunate to have the support of family, staff & community.”

The Loving family had fourth grade representative and daughter, Savannah, and then the 2023-2024 District Spelling Bee winner and seventh grade representative, John. Their mother Nicole spoke with me after the competition about the preparation that the two used to compete. 

“John did most of his training for the spelling bee on his own using technology,” said Nicole. 

While his sister took an alternate approach.

“With Savannah we practiced her long spelling sheet and she also practiced with her Meemaw. She would take breaks from studying to go sledding at her grandma and Grandpa’s house,” said Loving. 

John won the competition during the 10th round when he spelled “fluke” correctly. Savannah exited in round five, with the challenge of spelling “occupy.” 

“The whole family is competitive so there was definitely a friendly rivalry between John and Savannah,” said Nicole after the competition. The Loving siblings had a lot of support in the audience when three sets of grandparents were able to attend. Dad will be attending the county spelling bee after missing the District one due to work obligations. 

“It was so exciting to see John win. He is very determined and has a way of making things happen,” said Nicole Loving about her son. 

John continued his successful run at the Geauga County Spelling Bee where he finished in second place. 


Anton Albert Photography