Home Burton Cardinal and Berkshire students put our society to the four-way test!

Cardinal and Berkshire students put our society to the four-way test!


Five local high school students presented passionate presentations for the Burton Middlefield Rotary at the Berkshire School Board office and on Zoom the evening of March 10. The students were asked to choose a topic and put it to the Rotary four-way test. The test is: Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Cardinal junior, Lindsay Hissa shared ideas about “Why Public Smoking Should be Banned;” Cardinal senior, Tyler Zajko spoke about “Discrimination Against LGBTQ Students;” Cardinal freshman, Morgan Soltis addressed the judges about “The World We Live In;” Cardinal freshman, Anna Layman told the group “We Need To Do Something About the Opioid Epidemic;” and Berkshire senior, Wilson Jackson spoke about “A Conflict Ridden Society.”

There was an underlying theme to each of their sentiments. By and large, they expressed an acknowledgment of an unhealthy, cruel, intolerant American population and each made a plea for our entire populace to practice forgiveness, kindness and good health. Each student measured their chosen topic against the four-way test and articulated our current failure as a nation, but there is hope. The students stated with positive change in societal hearts and habits, we as a people can do better.

Contestants were critiqued in several categories: content and it’s practical application to the four-way test; speech value, language and vocab; introduction and development, and conclusion. Also, the students were judged for eye contact, energy, body language, voice and fluency.

First place was awarded to Lindsay Hissa, second to Wilson Jackson and third to Anna Layman. Each received a monetary check for their achievements.

The judges were Rotarians Jim Dvorak, Todd Hornak, Mike Valentino, Len Golding and Bob Goracer.

The event was organized by Rotarian, Dave Terill.  Burton Middlefield Rotary president, Larry Fox was emcee.


Anton Albert Photography