Home Trumbull County Cake Walk Celebrates 91 Years!

Cake Walk Celebrates 91 Years!


Newton Falls – “We’re from Toledo.  How does this work?” “I’ve lived here all my life and never came to this before. It’s so cool.”  Those of us in Kiwanis were delighted with comments like this from the crowd, since this was the 91st year for the cakewalk.  Everyone enjoyed the performance of the Newton Falls Tiger Marching Band, who seemed to play more songs than ever. Many were dressed in costumes, too.   Kiwanis welcomed the help of long-time and new friends and volunteers, new members of Kiwanis Club, and new lights for our ticket sales area at Lori Rankin’s Flower Shoppe.  We also had roving ticket sellers who helped lessen the lines…and the weather cooperated, at least with no rain, wind, or snow!

Newton Falls Kiwanis Club would like to thank all of the businesses and groups who donate their services, prizes, facilities and the cakes.  In addition a great big thank you to all of the helpers!
