Home Geauga County Burton Public Library Events – April

Burton Public Library Events – April


The following events are being held at the Burton Public Library. If registration is required, please contact the library at www.burtonlibrary.org or 440-834-4466.


Bass Lake: From resort to refuge, Bass Lake has a rich and varied natural and cultural history. Learn about how it was in days gone by as a resort, and today as a refuge for rare wildlife. Presented by the Geauga Park District. Thurs., April 4, 6:30 p.m. No Registration

BYOC–Bring Your Own Craft: Make the second Thurs. of every month your night to craft! Give yourself that excuse to work on a craft you’ve been putting off. Bring your own supplies and join together with friends and friends-to-be in the Merritt Room downstairs. Thurs., April 11, 6:00-7:30 p.m. No Registration

AARP Caregiver Workshop: For Caregivers and anyone that has parents who are older and may need help in the future. Planning, family exercises and communication techniques will be presented. Bring your questions about planning, stress, finances and family dynamics. Thurs., April 11, 6:30 p.m. No Registration

Try-It Tuesdays: Hobbies Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. Part of our Mind Body You initiative. For teens & adults. April 2 – Knitting 101; April 16 – Lava bead bracelets; April 23 – Scottish Dancing; Registration Required For Each


Storytimes: For children 0 to 5 with a caregiver through May 3. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings. See website for more details. www.burtonlibrary.org No registration.

Mind, Body, You: The Burton Library’s 2019 Get Fit Initiative for babies, kids, teens, and adults. This multi-month program will offer ways to help you stay present and mindful (Mind) active and healthy (Body) and cultivate your creative side (You). Sign up to win prizes! See website for more details. wwwburtonlibrary.org

17th Annual Edible Book Festival: Bake or make an entirely edible “book” creation and bring it to the Library by 11 a.m. The Creations will be judged in Funniest, Most Realistic and Most Book-Like categories. Stories, games and book cookie decorating will also take place. All ages welcome. Saturday: Apr. 6, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Steam Program: Build A Bot: Experiment with making robots from scratch using an Arduino microprocessor, motors, sensors and breadboards! Grades 5 – 8. Fridays: Apr. 5, 12, & 19, 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Registration Required. Registrants must attend all three sessions.

Fencing for Kids: Learn the basics of fencing brought to you by Alcazar Fencing Club. Ages 6+ Saturday: Apr. 27, 2:30 p.m. Registration Required.


Anton Albert Photography