Home Burton Burton-Middlefield Rotary presents $4,000 check to the Geauga County Historical Society

Burton-Middlefield Rotary presents $4,000 check to the Geauga County Historical Society


Burton – On Wednesday, June 8, the Rotary Club of Burton-Middlefield (BMR) presented a check for $4,000 to the Geauga County Historical Society to support their “Raise the Roof” project which replaces the roofs on the buildings at the Century Village grounds.

Century Village and the Society have long been recipients of support from BMR with repair work to the Shanower Library and in-kind work at the fabulous Maple Museum along with the repairs at the Country Store and Bond Building. This donation went hand-in-hand with a workforce supplied by Rotary to help cook and serve at the Century Village pancake breakfasts for the past several years. BMR president for 2021/22, Beverly Goodridge, picked the “Raise the Roof “project as her year’s community project. She applied for funding from the Rotary District 6630 grants committee to receive part of the $4,000 funding.
Rotary is proud to support important community facilities like Century Village and other well-known Geauga County attractions. BMR‘s popular Maple Splash Raffle is the key fundraiser that makes Rotary’s community and worldwide work possible.


Anton Albert Photography