Home Garrettsville BPA approves boring samples for Windham St. project

BPA approves boring samples for Windham St. project


The Garrettsville Board of Public Affairs (BPA) held their regular meeting on Monday, October 9, 2023.  Board President Ed Maresh presided over the meeting, with Board Members Ben Coll and Michael Sherer in attendance. Also present were Solicitor Michele Stuck, Superintendent Jeff Sheehan, and Fiscal Officer Donna Love. Additional attendees included Connie Knop, Jessica White, and Howard Moore. The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.

Water Superintendent Sheehan presented a quote from Door Works & Construction Co. for the replacement of a garage door and installation of two automatic door openers at the Water Plant, with an estimated cost of $3,450. The BPA approved this purchase, not to exceed $3,500.

Sheehan also proposed preparing a letter and service line agreement for customers when lead lines need replacement, similar to a practice in the City of Youngstown. This proposal was approved unanimously.

A customer on Maple Avenue, identified as having a lead service, had a tree growing on the curb box, necessitating its removal to replace the lead line. Sheehan provided a quote from Yarnell Tree Co. to remove the maple tree and other trees near the wellfield where they were impacting the fence. The BPA approved this expenditure, not to exceed $10,200.

The Watershed Monitoring Program was discussed, with no new permits reported in Portage County. Board President Maresh is in the process of entering water well testing data and intends to complete this task by the November meeting. They will seek a recommendation from Engineer Said Abou Abdallah for interpreting the results.

Superintendent Sheehan met with Ted Lysiak, School Superintendent, to secure approval for the use of the school’s gas pumps during emergencies. The Village has been granted permission for such use, and the necessary information will be provided to the school for account setup.

Additionally, Sheehan presented a second quote for a scum skimmer from BissNuss, Inc., with an approximate cost of $30,000 for a stainless-steel version. Sheehan plans to review both options and return with a recommendation.

The BPA discussed the Windham Street Water Main Replacement Project, which requires boring samples. Sheehan provided a quote from GPD Geotechnical Services, Inc. for the testing, costing $10,500. The BPA approved this expenditure.

Furthermore, the Village is formally applying for a $650,000, 20-year, 0% Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) through DEFA (Division of Environment Funding Assistance) to support the Windham Street Water Main Replacement. This application received unanimous approval for recommendation to the Council.

The meeting concluded with a move to enter an executive session for personnel matters at 7:00 p.m. The BPA returned from the executive session at 7:29 p.m. and subsequently adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Staff Reporter