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Garrettsville – The Friends of the Garrettsville Library (PCDL) met recently—May 13—to confirm the dates of the next Big Book Sale, which will be held from June 16 to June21.  Monday , June 16 from 4:00 to 7:00 will be the Preview Event for Friends members ( to pick up hot titles on their must-read lists).  The public can rush in to get the juicy remainders on Tuesday from 11:00 to 7:00, Wednesday from 10:00 to 6:00, Thursday—closed, Friday from 10:00 to 6:00 and Saturday from 9:00 to noon.  It all gets packed away on Saturday from noon to 5:00 and goes to that Big Bookseller in the Sky.  If you are a member of the Friends, feel free to come in and volunteer, get scheduled for this regular fund-raiser.  If you’re not a member, feel free to sign up now.  The more, themerrier.

Friends of the Library T-shirts will be available this summer, for regular patrons of the library—and shouldn’t we all be—and especially for the participants in the popular summer programs.  The theme for these programs will be : “FIZZ ** BOOM  **READ” !!!  Sounds like a science focus.  Come see.  Check them out.

There are still Friends cookbooks available; they make great gifts and remembrances for family members and cooks of all sorts.  The May garden-themed raffle is winding down (You can still get in on the chances) but a new one for October will be organized around fall reading.  And, just in case you’ve missed it, there is a continuous book sale going on at the library so no one has to wait all year for the Big Book Sale.  Bargains galore!

The Friends of the Garrettsville Library (PCDL) will have their next regular meeting on August 12 at 5:30 p.m. at the library.   Good cause…short meetings…what’s not to like?


Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography