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Board of Public Affairs News


The Garrettsville Board of Public Affairs convened for its April  meeting last month. Presided over by Board President Ed Maresh, the meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m. and was attended by Board Members Michael Sherer and Ben Coll, Solicitor Michele Stuck, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Sheehan, and Fiscal Officer Donna Love.

The board began by approving the minutes from the previous meeting held on March 11, 2024. Coll moved for approval, which was seconded by Sherer, resulting in unanimous support.

Financial matters were discussed, leading to the approval of the financial reports for March 2024. Coll moved for approval, with Sherer seconding the motion, and the reports were unanimously approved.

During the March Water & Wastewater Report, Sheehan provided updates on repairs and developments within the village. Notably, repairs were made to five water main breaks, including urgent repairs on South Street conducted by Woodford Excavating due to their depth and soil conditions. Additionally, Sheehan reported on the failure of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) backup generator #2, with plans for repairs pending the receipt of necessary parts.

In old business, Coll addressed the status of the Watershed Monitoring Program, noting the absence of new oil and fracking permits in Portage County. There was discussion around getting setup for potential use of the school’s gas pumps during crises, Sheehan will follow up with Tracy Knauer at the JAG Board Office to provide the needed vehicle registration to establish an account for the water department. 

Progress on ongoing initiatives was also discussed. Sheehan provided updates on the lead service replacement plan, indicating ongoing efforts to map lead service lines within the village. Notably, only 211 water lines remain unidentified at present. The Windham Street Watermain Replacement Project advanced, with bids advertised in local papers and Quality Control Inspection, Inc. proposed for construction inspection services.

In new business, maintenance work on the well field road was discussed, awaiting a quote from a paving company for the use of grindings from an upcoming paving project. Sheehan presented an invoice for the repair cost of Well #20, completed by The Ohio Well Drilling Company, totaling $51,970.00. Additionally, a quote for drilling two new test holes was provided, priced at $26,103.00. The quote had been requested just to get a ballpark figure as it has been some time since the last estimate for well drilling.

The meeting concluded at 7:00pm. The May meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 6th. 


Anton Albert Photography