Home We're All Invited Birding in Portage County for the Average Guy/Gal

Birding in Portage County for the Average Guy/Gal


Ravenna – Come join Portage Park District volunteer Naturalist Joe Malmisur and Dr. Sarah Maybe on Monday Dec 8th for the second in the Park District’s birding in Portage County series. It doesn’t matter if you did not attend the first session, we will be reviewing what we covered on Nov 10th.  The second session will focus on bird anatomy and the Christmas Bird Count that will take place on Dec 14th. Special guest instructor, Jamey L. Emmert, Wildlife Communication Specialist for the Ohio Division of Wildlife will be talking about bird anatomy and will review the idea of size and shape in identifying birds. We will have several actual bird mounts, from the small Hummingbird to the very large Sand Hill Crane, to get a good perspective on size and shape. It should be a HOOOOT!

This event will be held at the Portage Park District office located at 705 Oakwood St G4, Ravenna, OH.


Anton Albert Photography