Home Schools Bigger and Better Than Ever…Windham’s PTO Carnival

Bigger and Better Than Ever…Windham’s PTO Carnival


This year the Windham PTO Carnival was bigger and better than ever.  We had our usual games set up in the gym with a huge prize selection for all of our winners as well as delicious treats and baskets for raffle in the cafeteria.  IMG_0944But we know how wonderful our KT kids and families are and wanted to offer them even more fun. This year we had a huge bounce house for the little ones, a touch the truck event sponsored by Windham Fire Department and Portage County Dare program as well as a petting zoo and pony rides. We wanted to take the opportunity to thank the Windham Fire Department, Portage County Sherrif as well as all of those that offered their animals for the zoo and pony rides.  We also need to add a special thank you to our own PTO Clown.  She offered up balloon animals to adults and kids alike during the whole event.  Windham V Squad was also on hand to help run games, sell tickets and serve cotton candy and other fun carnival treats.  Without the hard work and dedication of everyone who contributed the event would not have been possible and they are very much appreciated.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography