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Berkshire Jr./Sr. High School News


Burton-At the January 10 Berkshire Board of Education meeting several elementary and high school students had their artwork recognized.  The artwork will be part of the 2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.  Congratulations to Mollee Chapman (2nd Grade), Grace Lutat (6th Grade), Erica Dingman (12th Grade), Ericka Roy (11th Grade) and Hannah Espinosa (2nd Grade).

There will be a Berkshire Marching Band Spaghetti Dinner and Chinese Auction Fundraiser on February 11 from 4:30 pm until 7 pm in the Berkshire High School Cafeteria.  This fundraiser will help bring down the costs for students traveling and performing at Walt Disney World over Spring Break.  You can purchase presale dinner tickets for $7.00/adults and $4.00/children (12 and under) or at the door for $8.00/adults and $5.00/children.   Dinner will include spaghetti, meatballs (optional), salad, garlic bread, dessert and beverage.

There will also be a Chinese Auction at this event.  Chinese Auction tickets will be available for $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00 or 15 tickets for $10.00.  Winning tickets will be drawn at 7 pm and winners do not need to be present.  Band members are selling tickets or you can contact the school directly to find out how to purchase your tickets and help support this worthwhile cause.

The After Prom Committee is having their Taco Dinner Fundraiser on February 4 from 4:30 pm until 7 pm in the Berkshire High School Cafeteria.  Ticket prices are $5.00/adults and $3.00 for children under 10.  The menu will include soft and hard tacos with many different toppings including beef and/or chicken.  You can make your own tacos just the way you like them.  Dessert will be available for an additional $2.00 and will include chocolate or vanilla ice cream and toppings for sundaes.  Tickets for the Taco Dinner Fundraiser can be purchased in advance or at the door.  Please support this worthy cause.

Deputy Jim Hudson recently assisted Mr. Kostiha’s 5th Grade class complete the DARE drug awareness program.  Every Wednesday, for thirteen weeks, Deputy Hudson and Mr. Kostiha taught the class about issues concerning substance abuse, peer pressure, violence and self control.  There were many interactive activities used to help convey the importance of these issues.  Upon graduation, students received graduation certificates and DARE t-shirts.  Special guest speakers, including Sheriff McClelland, addressed the students.  A special thank you went out to all the participants who supported this class including parents, teachers, DARE officers and administrators.

There are a lot of great things happening at the Berkshire Schools.   Thank you to Superintendent Doug DeLong for the updates and news.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography