Home Other Areas Berardinelli Exceeds Goal

Berardinelli Exceeds Goal


Windham – Mia Berardinelli, is a 5th grade student at Windham Katherine Thomas Elementary School. With the help of her little sister Madison, (1st grader at KT), she recently collected gently used blue jeans for a program called Teens for Jeans through Aeropostale and dosomething.org.  She collected jeans from Jan 1st thru Feb 10th with a goal of collecting 200 jeans that will then be distributed by Aeropostale to homeless teens and families in the US and Canada.  We are very pleased to announce that she dropped off 244 jeans to Aeropostale!!

We would like to say thank you so much to everyone that made a donation.  Mia couldn’t have succeeded in meeting her goal without the help of family, friends and the Windham community.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography