Home Mantua Benefit Fundraiser for Trevor White

Benefit Fundraiser for Trevor White


Local resident Trevor White has been diagnosed with Accute Undifferentiated Leukemia at just 28 years old. Trev is currently undergoing chemotherapy and will eventually need a bone marrow transplant. 

His wife Sonya is a nurse at the Cleveland Clinic and has been a front line worker during the entire pandemic. 

Although they have not asked for our help their family and friends would like to ensure that they be able to focus on his fight and rehabilitation as they will have a long road ahead of them. 

Please join us in supporting this beautiful young couple on Sunday, August 8 from noon to 5 pm. We will have a Cornhole Tournament $20 per team entry the day of, 50/50 Raffle, and a Chinese Auction at Corners Catering and Event Center on SR44  in Mantua. 

Baskets are being accepted for the Chinese auction until August 1st and will try to update the Facaebook  page [T$’s  Battle] as often as possible with the themed baskets already donated!  If you would like to donate a basket please message Ashley Csorba or Lisa Drenski. 

Thank you everyone in advance from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity and participation. We truly have the best community!

Staff Reporter