The Lake County Retired Teachers Association (LCRTA) will hold their General Membership luncheon meeting at their new location on Tuesday, April 8, 2025. The buffet style luncheon will be held at Mama Roberto’s at 8658 Mentor Ave, Mentor, OH 44060. Social time begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by the program at 11:30 a.m. After the program, lunch will be served. The buffet lunch will include Chicken Parmesan with Marinara Sauce and Mozzarella Cheese, Penne Pasta Broccolini (made with fresh broccoli) aioli, green beans, tossed salad, house dressing, rolls and butter, cookie tray for dessert, coffee, tea, and soft drinks.

The program for the luncheon meeting is “For Whom the Bell Tolls” with a live performance by the Decibells Handbell Ensemble. Veteran handbell ringer, and LCRTA member Pat Claudio, will present “A History of Handbells: For Whom the Bell Tolls,” at the April meeting. Her presentation will include fun facts, a live performance and demonstrations by the Decibells Handbell Ensemble, trivia questions, prizes, and a fair amount of silliness. We hope you can “ring in the spring” with this fast- paced, informative program.

Reservations for the luncheon must be made in advance, by March 28, 2025. A check payable to “LCRTA” for $19 per person is to be mailed to Karen Sawitke at 9399 Ridgeside Drive, Mentor, OH, 44060. Parking and entrance is in the back of the building.

LCRTA will be collecting items for the Lake County Dog Shelter which houses and adopts out stray dogs and is located in Painesville Twp. Needed donations include Purina Dry dog food, peanut butter, large Nylabones, bleach, HE laundry detergent, fabric softener sheets, and dog treats.

The collection of pull tabs from aluminum beverage cans continues, as LCRTA will deliver the pull tabs to McDonald House. Please bring both donations to the meeting.

LCRTA is an active organization that welcomes new members. All retired teachers under STRS of Ohio, or an out-of-state retirement system, are invited to attend the luncheon and are eligible for membership. Associate memberships of $10 are available to others interested in the objectives of the chapter and of public education. The Lake County Retired Teachers Association meets five times per year for luncheon meetings, enjoys specially prepared programs at each luncheon to learn something new, hosts several “Dine to Donate” fundraisers to raise money to support the scholarships presented to high school seniors planning to major in education, searches for active teachers who would like assistance with the Active Teacher Grant Program, provides financial enrichment to current teachers through the Virginia Mlakar Enrichment Fund, keeps current on what’s going on in education, makes various donations to various charities, donates their time to help others, participates in many fun activities and gets together for organized travel.

To find out more about the Lake County Retired Teachers Association, their extensive travel program, and how to become a member of LCRTA, visit their website at https://lakecountyrta.weebly.com/
