Home Garrettsville Beard Off & Write On: Participate in Garrettsville’s Timecapsule Celebration

Beard Off & Write On: Participate in Garrettsville’s Timecapsule Celebration


Time to throw away those razors!  The beard contest is on the way! 

In 1964, the men of Garrettsville, in celebration of the village’s centennial celebration as an incorporated village, decided to have a beard contest. Most of the business owners at the time participated. This year, 60 years later, as we prepare to open the 100-year-old time capsule, the James A. Garfield Historical Society, with the help of Brian Morgan, the Barber of G’ville, has decided to celebrate in that same manner. 

Maybe  you have a full beard, like Gene Smith, past owner of Garrettsville Paint & Glass. Or maybe yours is more of a goatee like Jim Oswald, owner of Root Store. Maybe even lamb chops, (for those non-beard-educated ones, those are the sideburns that were grown out very big, popular in the 70’s) like Dick Everett, past owner of the Garrettsville Hardware, is sporting. Whatever style it is, don your beard butter and sign up online. The sign-up deadline will be June 28th. For more info, contact Brian Morgan at the Barber of G’ville on Highland St in Garrettsville. 

The fee is $25, and the proceeds will go to the James A. Garfield Historical Society to help cover the cost of the Time Capsule event. The event will take place on July 6 at 1:00 p.m. at the Main Stage on High St in Garrettsville. 

Don’t have a beard? There are other ways to participate in the time capsule events! Letters are needed for the future time capsule. The JAG Historical Society is now holding letter writing events. Participants can come to the Mott building, on the corner of Main and High Sts, and using the archival paper and pens provided, write a letter for the future generations of Garrettsville/Freedom/Nelson to read. These events will be held on the first and third Saturday of April and May from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. (April 6, April 20, May 4 and May 18) 

Letters can be about anything you choose.  What’s your favorite thing about Garrettsville? What’re your favorite memories of the Opera House, Cascade House or other place around town? How do you want your family to be remembered? What do you think the Village and surrounding areas will be like in 2104? 

Letters will be placed in the future time capsule on September 21st and opened in 80 years, at the Tricentennial of Garrettsville’s founding. As we unveil our roots, let’s provide a glimpse of the present for the eyes of the future. Be part of the future, leave your legacy.


Anton Albert Photography