Local filmmaker and JAG High School alum Vinny Sisson has embarked on an ambitious project with The Obsidian Mirror, a supernatural thriller blending the eerie nostalgia of 1980s and 1990s horror classics with a deeply personal narrative. Serving as both cinematographer and producer, Sisson collaborates with writer-director-producer Adam Deierling on this feature-length film currently in development and seeking crowdfunding support via Kickstarter.
The story follows Max, an 18-year-old who discovers an ancient obsidian mirror that grants him the ability to communicate with the spirit world. What begins as a fascinating discovery spirals into a nightmare as the mirror attracts a malevolent dark spirit seeking to exploit its power to breach the barrier between worlds. Accompanied by his brother Owen, close friend Andy, and love interest Anna, Max must confront the growing danger while unraveling the mirror’s mysteries. Themes of courage, sacrifice, and friendship drive the climactic battle to seal the mirror’s dark influence.
The project’s concept art teases dramatic visuals, from poltergeist activity in a haunted house to the ominous dig site where the mirror was unearthed, culminating in the terrifying manifestation of the dark spirit.
“How wonderful would it be to have one final conversation with a lost loved one?” Deierling asked, explaining the emotional inspiration behind the story. Both filmmakers have drawn on personal loss to craft a narrative that resonates with universal experiences of grief and longing.
Sisson and Deierling aim to evoke the atmosphere of iconic films such as Poltergeist, The Thing, and A Nightmare on Elm Street, paying homage to the genre’s golden age while presenting a fresh take for modern audiences. “We think it’s a recipe for a film that will scare your pants off but is also fun for everyone!,” Deierling said.
The Obsidian Mirror is the duo’s second feature film. Their previous venture, The Other Side of Darkness, saw success, and the pair have since assembled a talented production team with experience spanning independent films and Hollywood productions. Despite initial funding efforts, they are turning to Kickstarter to meet their financial goals.
“We’ve already raised some funds, but we need your help to bring this vision to life,” Deierling said in a promotional video for the campaign. Sisson added that supporters can contribute directly or support the project by sharing the campaign link to expand its reach.
For more information on The Obsidian Mirror and to contribute to its Kickstarter campaign, visit obsidianmirrorfilm.com/kickstarter/