Home Iva's Input Be Careful!

Be Careful!


As in, “Be careful what you ask for, you may get it.”

Having passed the astronomical beginning of Fall (the Autumnal Equinox, September 22)( interesting note from the OFA–”As the wind and weather at the equinoxes, so will they be for the next 3 months”…think about that.)with a continued appearance of Summer (temps in the mid-to-upper 80’s, sunshine all day, every day), we erred, apparently, by wishing for something to change–boring, dontcha know. I was hanging my laundry out on the line most wash days, tooling around on my trike occasionally. I saw swimming pools still in use all over town (And did anyone invite me in for a dip? Fat chance!) . Fall festivals were on tap everywhere. Taking advantage of the season seemed like the thing to do. Summer was still with us…along with drought like we haven’t seen since ‘88 or so.

Then we started whining.

And now look.

Ball game on Friday was, actually, sort of amusing. Raining, of course, but, whereas our prevailing winds around here are from the west/northwest, Friday night’s showers were being whipped at us from the east and caused some major disruption in the press box, probably press boxes all over the league, because the big, fat drops were coming right at everybody inside there, either splattering right on the glass or–if the windows were open to get some sort of visibility–posing danger to any papers on flat spaces or electronic gizmos vital to broadcast or lighting or announcements. One gentleman had a roll of paper towels at the ready, trying to restore as much dryness as possible; he was kinda successful, part of the time; at least the scoreboard continued to function.

So on we go : Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkoth, National Farmers’ Day, Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day are all on tap for October. And, of course, All Hallows’ E’en, better known as HALLOWEEN! One of my pet theories about Halloween is that people like it because they do not have to do anything with their relatives or go to church (The next day is All Saints, but they’re all gone, so nobody pays any attention, nor do they go to church) It’s all about candy and doing goofy things. What’s not to like? Trick-or-Treat night is set for October 26, I believe. Get “candied up.”

My neighborhood is getting pretty well-decorated–lots of skeletons & stuff. One of my favorites so far is the four skeleton wearing OSU t-shirts and posed to spell out O-H-I-O. Ha ! We have practically a whole month to go. Could get really weird out there.

A seasonal thought from the OFA : “Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead” Ha!

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography