Home Authors Posts by Ethel Wupperman

Ethel Wupperman

Ethel Wupperman

Bras Across the Bridge: Celtic Club’s Ongoing Fight Against Cancer

The 15th Annual Celtic Club Fights Cancer event took place on the West Main Street bridge over the Cuyahoga River in downtown Kent on Oct. 18. The Club displayed bras to help raise cancer awareness. The display, which began as Bras Across the Crooked River in 2010 to promote...

A Peanut Butter Cup Unlike Any Other

This reporter has never met a chocolate that she didn’t like.  Or, at least, eat-as the case with cheap valentine’s chocolates bought at gas stations. Loving the chocolate is saved for the best.  Or, as with Pnut Butter Cups Company, the very best. As stated in the title, they are...

Beneath the Surface: A Glimpse into Portage County Water Rescue Training

So, the Portage County Water Rescue Team heroes have had a busy Autumn.  They have graciously invited this reporter to attend some of their training.  Originally, I was going to observe Boat Rescue Training to be held at West Branch, but that was canceled due to the possibility of...

Water Rescue Superheroes

Some Superheroes don’t wear capes.  Sometimes they wear fins, and masks. Sometimes they, like Batman, use high tech equipment, sometimes it’s a blind search in mucky water, or by boat with sonar.  Regardless of the methods employed, the Portage County Water Rescue Team is a team of Superheroes.  One...

Part III – Life as a Survivor

In June of 2023, I went on an Unwelcome Journey.  I thank you for walking with me over the course of the last few weeks as I shared notes from my journal.  If I have helped one person get checked, eased her mind or given hope, then this section...

Part II – Surgery and Radiology

Hello Dear Readers, as you know this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Last week I shared my (heavily edited) diary of the events leading up to my diagnosis and treatment plan.  This time I will take you through much of my surgery, what I remember, and the weeks following. ...

Part I – The Day My Life Changed: Diagnosis

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Trust me, I am aware. This month will see fundraiser benefits, reminders and everything in the world turning Pink. I would like to share my Unwelcome Journey with you.  Though I was diagnosed and treated in 2023, my care continues. My goal is...

Wreathes Across America

Veteran’s Day is November 11, the day America honors those who serve, or have served at some point.  Parades, special programs at schools, graveside ceremonies...all intended to honor and thank those who protect our freedoms.  But their time, dedication and sacrifices aren’t limited to a single day, and many...

Raising Spirits in Newton Falls: The Story Behind Five 4’s Distillery

What’s new in Newton Falls?  Among other things, the Five 4’s Distillery.  Located at 417 North Center Street, just outside of downtown, opened to the public for the Eclipse in April.  That soft opening was so successful, they decided to stay open. You probably have seen the building as you...

Forging Friendships and Memories at thePortage County Randolph Fair

It’s a hallmark of summer, a final hurrah before going back to school.  A place where friendships are forged and memories are made.  This place is the county fair, specifically the Portage County Agricultural Society Randolph Fair.  Most of us know it as simply the Randolph Fair, which is...

Ravenna Parks & Recreation for the Summer Win!

So, summer has arrived, and school is finally out! Yay! I know that when this reporter was younger (oh so long ago,) sleep was first on the list.  Then catch up on some tv viewing that I didn’t have time for, then maybe have a friend over. Then, boredom...

Harmonious Beginnings: Nurturing Young Musicians with Mini Music Makers

We all have favorite musicians. Regardless of the genre, music touches us all in some way.  Have you ever wondered how that musician became so good?  Many people say, ‘You have talent,’ others say it is ‘lots and lots of practice.’  Perhaps some combination?  No matter your thoughts on...

Glass Act Stained Glass Studio celebrates one-year anniversary

What a great year it has been for the Glass Act Stained Glass and Art Studio.  Just last year, owner and artist Ron Stoner was looking for his own location, someplace he could modify to fit his unique vision.  Lots of room, charming building, lots of parking, a place...

Tireless Creativity: Exploring the repurposed art universe of Bill Starcher

Hello Villager People.  Thank you for bearing with me during my health scare.  I’m back!   Being a contributing writer for the Villager allows for some privileges.  Like, the wonderful afternoon I spent last weekend.  It all started at the intersection of 14 and 44. I was sitting at the...

Mantua Hosting Triple Trail Fest This Weekend

Mantua - How did it happen? This life-time resident of Portage County was clueless. She hopes that rest of the county isn’t. But just in case…did you know that three wonderful trails merge in Mantua? The trails are Buckeye Trail, Headwaters Trail and the Cuyahoga River Trail. The Buckeye Trail,...

Broken Leaf Cafe Opens in Newton Falls

Have you ever wanted to just sit and chat over coffee or tea, but the place with the Mermaid isn’t really your thing? Besides, that place only has locations in cities of a certain population, and rural Portage and Trumbull Counties don’t have many of those. Well, residents of Newton...

Ron Stoner: A Glass Act

Newton Falls - “Take your passion and make it happen.” We Older-Than-Millennials remember that as a line from a song popular in the 80s, What a Feeling from Flash Dance. This line comes to mind when one meets Ron Stoner, who is opening a stained-glass studio, The Glass Act....

Grand Re-Opening Held For Newton Falls McDonald’s

Newton Falls - If you drove past the Newton Falls McDonald’s recently, you noticed that something was up. While the drive-thru remained open, the dining room was closed. For quite a while. Well, on Saturday November 19, the dining room officially reopened. New owner John Perdue was on hand to...

Holidays In The Falls

Newton Falls - The weather has changed, likely for the duration. The leaves have fallen. The skies have become gray and every day is a bit shorter. Yep, welcome to late autumn in Ohio, where we are on a crash course with winter. We know it is coming, we...

Back To The 40’s

Have you ever wanted to go back in time? Well, Heritage Accord is giving you that chance. As you may know, Heritage Accord is working to restore the Newton Falls Community Center. There have been many fundraising functions for this purpose. This past year has seen the community and...

Bummin’ Beaver Brewery

Don’t you just love it when a day comes together, unexpectedly perfect? This reporter does! It was Thursday, September 15, when Ethel was asked to cover a luau. Being a reporter can be fun…being invited to a luau, and potentially getting paid for it, sign me up! Anyhow, after...

Portage Senior Services Hosts Luau

Portage County - The weather was picture perfect. The signs were up. Luau, with an arrow. One couldn’t help but follow them to a nice shelter at the Streetsboro City Park. There you were lured in by the aroma of grilling meat. A photo booth…corn hole games set up…picnic...

Octane Nights In Ravenna On August 3

Ravenna - Hey Ravenna, when does a Wednesday feel like a Saturday? When you attend Mongoose Motorsports and Portage Trim’s Octane Nights! It’s coming up soon, Wednesday August 3, so be sure to plan for it. For those readers who are in the Gear Head community, this event is a...

Ravenna High School Honors Civic Program

Ravenna - Good things continue to happen at Ravenna High School. Last week we saw the Day of Service, when all the students turned out to help the community in various ways. What a success it was! While checking out the students working downtown, this reporter noticed a QR...

Musical Musings ~ The Marilyn DeFrange Trio

It was a blustery spring Friday evening in Portage County.  This reporter had a bit of cabin fever, so decided to engage in a favorite hobby-going to catch a bit of Live Music.  Many venues have opened back up in this time of reduced covid numbers, so there were...

A Little Wine… And A Ghost or Two…

Ravenna - Who doesn’t love a good ghost story?  Or a glass of good wine?  Or some local history?  Maybe some live music? If any of those appeal to you, then Ravenna has just the place for you!  Located at 234 West Main Street in the historic section of...

Susie K’s Cafe and Tea Room

Ravenna - It was a typical Wednesday, and this reporter had errands to run.  Okay, it wasn’t too typical for North Eastern Ohio in March - it was a beautiful day!  Rather than driving to multiple locations, the price of gas combined with the weather to encourage me to...

Haven of Portage County Ribbon Cutting

Ravenna - A few months ago, this reporter wrote an article about the Haven of Portage County, and how it was progressing. At that time (November of ‘21) the building facility was still in the process of finalization.  Wiring was in place for the computer stations, but there were...

It’s About Time

Perhaps you have a loved one in an area nursing home. Perhaps you love live music and frequent the many venues in the area, including some of the Open Mics. Perhaps you attend flea and farmers’ markets around Portage County. If any of the above fits you, then you...

Ravenna Celebrates Gary & Trish Krause

It was the coldest day of the new year, 15 degrees with a real-feel of 1 degree.  Yet, there was a crowd, bundled in their coats and hats, on the corner of West Main Street and South Park Way.  Posing, talking, taking pictures.  What would bring so many people...

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