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Staff Reporter

Staff Reporter

Painting Pumpkins Promotes Positivity

Newton Falls - Last Saturday members of the Optimist Club of Newton Falls held their annual Pumpkin Painting Party, welcoming the area’s youngest residents to the Community Center for a day of painting pumpkins just in time to get into the spirit of Halloween. Each pint-sized guest was given...

Roller Hutt on a 20-Year Roll

Garrettsville - Kids growing up in this small town have limited entertainment options. There’s the movie theatre, the indoor sports complex, the bowling alley, a couple fast food joints, a park or two... and the Roller Hutt. Since 1990, Craig and Linda Dlugokecki have provided a safe and...

Windham Band Revival

Windham - Two years ago Windham football season started with the usual elements, players, coaches, cheerleaders and fans but   one important element was missing on the field. The band. The band helps lead cheers and adds to the spirit of the game, but they were absent on...

A Tale of Two Chocolate Companies in Burton

Burton - Burton is a sweet place to visit. Burton is well known for its maple syrup and maple sugaring activities.  We all know that the Burton Log Cabin offers maple syrup and candy all year round.  But there are two more reasons to find Burton so sweet.  Buckeye...

Special Holiday Activities At Library

Windham Library invites kids of all ages to a special Thanksgiving storytime on Monday, November 15 at 10:30 am.   Storytime is an opportunity for both parent and child to spend some one-on-one time enriching the child’s environment with stories, music, finger plays and movement. A Thanksgiving craft will be...

4-H Shooting Sports Pioneers

The Trumbull County 4-H Shooting Sports Pioneers will have their introductory meeting for 2011 on Friday, Nov.19, 2010 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Fish and Game Club of Vienna (SR 193 across from the Airport – back a long gravel driveway). All prospective and returning members...

Geauga County Public Library Conducts Community Forums

Geauga County - The Geauga County Public Library Board of Trustees will be holding open public forums throughout the county shortly after Election Day, November 2.  Members of the public are invited to comment about what library services need to be funded in the 2011 library budget and beyond. ...

Basketball Before Marty Hill

Windham - The history of the legendary Windham High School basketball program will be relived on Monday, November 15, as sports historian George Belden speaks to the Windham Historical Society, at a meeting co-sponsored by the Windham Bicentennial Committee. This talk is being presented to the public at Katherine...

The Area’s Original Christmas Walk Returns To Garrettsville

The James A. Garfield Historical Society’s Christmas Walk takes place Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, November 5th, 6th, & 7th, and 12th, 13th, & 14th.  Hours are 10am to 5pm on Fridays and Saturdays, and 12:30pm to 5pm on Sundays.  Your first stop is the Historical Society at 8107 Main...

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