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Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Staff Reporter

Staff Reporter

Berkshire Jr./Sr. High School News

Burton-At the January 10 Berkshire Board of Education meeting several elementary and high school students had their artwork recognized.  The artwork will be part of the 2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.  Congratulations to Mollee Chapman (2nd Grade), Grace Lutat (6th Grade), Erica Dingman (12th Grade), Ericka Roy (11th Grade)...

Charles Chevrolet Scores A Goal For Area Youth Soccer

Garrettsville – Charles Chevrolet, one of 30 Chevrolet dealers from the Cleveland area that partnered with local youth soccer leagues for the 2010 season, raised nearly  $93,740 in total donations from the dealership and private parties. In addition to monetary support, Charles Chevrolet provided G-W (Garrettsville-Windham) Soccer Club with...

Fire Board Appoints Fire District Officers

Windham -  The W.V.F.D. Joint fire district met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently with all board members and fiscal officer present.  First item on the agenda was the fire chief’s report. Chief Iwanyckyj reported that he has chosen different firemen to take responsibility for, policy and procedures...

Newton Falls Council Meeting

Newton Falls - There’s a new hot topic at the podium of the Newton Falls council meetings: hydraulic fracking. During the second regularly scheduled council meeting of January all officials were present and, after the Pledge of Allegiance, the floor was given to Catie Karl-Moran who spoke on behalf of...

Hiram Township Trustee News

Hiram Twp. - The Hiram Township Trustees met last week for their second gathering of the new year. After the Pledge of Allegiance, Mr. Brewer opened the meeting at 7pm with the reading of the minutes from the January 4th meeting. In the evening’s business, Mr. Brewer presented a request...

Nelson says “NO” to Spousal Medicare Reimbursement

Nelson Township - The regularly scheduled Nelson Township Trustees meeting was moved to the community house due to no heat at the maintenance building and the meeting room. The meeting was called to order with all trustees and fiscal officer present. The minutes from the January 5, 2011 were...

Mantua Chamber Minutes

Mantua - During the January meeting of the Mantua Chamber of Commerce old business was discussed including the success of Santa on the Corner and the Lighting in the Park in December. Everyone was pleased with how successful the event was. New officers were sworn in by Janet Espisito. The...

Enter Now For Your Chance To Be Garrettsville Summerfest’s First Couple

Garrettsville - If you have recently become engaged, have been engaged for some time, or would like to renew your wedding vows, why not enter for a chance to become Garrettsville Summerfest’s First Couple! This year’s Vegas-style theme, “The Biggest Game In Town”, easily lends itself to thoughts of wedding...

We’re All Invited

Bread & Soup Meal Thursdays Join in a Hiram tradition that has been going on since 1982 by attending a bread and soup dinner at Hiram College. The meal will be held every Thursday from 5-7pm at the Kennedy Center. Cost is $5 for students (or a student meal swipe) and...

Hiram Mayor Outlines Upcoming Plans for Village

Hiram – During the 105th annual meeting of Hiram Village Council on January 11, Mayor Lou Bertrand delivered his 2011 State of Hiram Village Address. He opened with a reassuring statement that “Hiram village government is in stable financial condition, operating in an efficient manner and providing good service...

Hiram Village Council

Hiram-Mayor Bertrand called the meeting to order at 7 pm.  Rob Dempsey was not in attendance.  Mayor Bertrand asked for a moment of silence to reflect on the Arizona shootings then continued with the Pledge of Allegiance. The council approved the 11/30/10 Special Council Meeting minutes, approved the 12/14/10 Council...

Mayor Moser Delivers 2011 State of the Village Report

Garrettsville - Returning to his favorite metaphor, Mayor Craig Moser likened historic Garrettsville to “our old century home” in his annual State of the Village Report, delivered at the Garrettsville Village Council meeting on January 12. Recapping the past year, Moser said, “Life in G’ville in 2010 had its good...

Windham Trustees Organize For New Year

Windham Twp. - The Windham Township Trustees met for their first meeting of the year recently. The first item on the agenda was to appoint the chairman and vice-chairman of the board. After some discussion, the board voted unanimously to have Dann Timmons retain the chairman position and Brian...

Power Of The Pen

Garrettsville - Alien adolescents (Yes, yes, aren’t they all?) wandered the halls of James A. Garfield Middle School on Saturday, January 15, 2011, looking for the auditorium (the Iva Walker Auditorium), looking for their assigned rooms, looking for inspiration.  It was the District Power of the Pen tournament, locally...

Maplewood To Host Spaghetti Dinner

Ravenna - On Thursday, February 10, 2011 Maplewood Career Center will hold its annual Open House and Spaghetti Dinner between the hours of 4:30 and 8:30 p.m.  A spaghetti dinner featuring salad, pasta with choice of sauces, bread, dessert and drink, will be served from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m....

Comedian/Hypnotist To Appear January 22nd

Garrettsville -  Michael Oddo, a comedian/hypnotist, will perform on Saturday, January 22nd.  He will do two family-friendly shows- one at 3:30 pm and the other at 7:30 pm in the James A. Garfield High School auditorium.  Each show will last from 60-75 min.  Tickets are $8 per person, per...

Trenney To Appear At Hiram College

Hiram - Prize-winning organist Tom Trenney will bring silent films to life on the Hiram College campus, Friday, February 11th  at 7:00 pm. This will be Trenney’s thirteenth February visit to Hiram, funded by the Hiram Community Trust Fund. Trenney impresses audiences all over the country with his ability to...

Think It Over

Garrettsville - The Child Development Class at J.A. Garfield High School is eagerly awaiting the “Baby Think It Over” dolls.  Pat Wetzel, the teacher of the class has applied for a grant through “DonersChoose.org”  to receive two of the computerized babies for the classroom to use. The purpose of the...

We’re All Invited

Bread & Soup Meal Thursdays Join in a Hiram tradition that has been going on since 1982 by attending a bread and soup dinner at Hiram College. The meal will be held every Thursday from 5-7pm at the Kennedy Center. Cost is $5 for students (or a student meal swipe) and...

Here Come The Brides

Newton Falls - Dozens of flowers brighten up a chapel or outdoor venue for a wedding, and Sunday at Roby Lee’s Restaurant and Banquet Center in Newton Falls the reception hall was brightened by not one smiling bride, but rather dozens of beautiful brides-to-be who attended the 14th Annual...

Windham’s Circle K Holds Grand Opening

Windham - A little after 2:00 pm Monday, when residents and community leaders began to gather outside the new Circle K Gas Station and Store in Windham anticipating the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the store. Store Manager A.J. Weiss was given the honor to cut the ribbon and declaring the...

“Can you help me to find information about a piece of...

“Can you help me to find information about a piece of property?” Over the years, this question has been asked of Newton Falls Public Library staff members for a variety of reasons. Some individuals want to find information about their own property; others are looking to purchase a parcel...

Notes From The Vineyard

January is one of my favorite times of the year at the winery. Even though January brings in our “winter hours” (Friday and Saturdays from 3pm – 9pm) we are quite busy working behind the scenes at the winery. We are doing the usual work in the cellar, checking...

Youth Bowling News

The new year started off with a number of good games from the Saturday youth bowlers.   In the 9:00 Trio League, Alexis Evans had games of 95, 121, and 96 for a nice 312 series, 90 pins over her series average.  Nathan Pallotto was 82 over for the...

Puppy Tails

The bustle and rush of the holidays were done and Doodle Dog was excited for the brand new year full of days to enjoy, chances to play, people to meet, and adventures to be had. He knew the children would be going back to school soon and downtown was...

I’m Doomed

I know; this may not be news to some but I was sort of hoping to avoid a swift descent to the fiery furnace for another decade or so, maybe more if I kept moving and eating enough  dark chocolate. This assessment has been confirmed by finding in yet another...

It “Bites” To Be A Former Allcare Dental And Dentures...

It’s been over a year since I’ve written a column for the Weekly Villager. Thankfully our practice has become very busy and I have not had time to write. But, I just can’t stand by idly and not comment on recent events that have befallen the dental community. An event...

Local Photo Becomes Centerpiece for National Ad Campaign

Hiram Twp. – Last summer, a local woman snapped a photo of a creek scene in her back yard and sent it off to a national photo contest. Now that photo is the centerpiece of a national advertising campaign. Diane Wilthew enjoys capturing the beauty of the changing seasons on...

Nelson Approves Door and Window Bids

Nelson Twp. - Nelson Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all the trustees and fiscal officer present. Items on the agenda were: approve bids for doors and windows at the community house, fill zoning and zoning appeals positions, select fire department representative and community ambulance representative,...

Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary took a flying leap into their activities for 2011, beginning with a focus on the upcoming Family Week.  Updates and amendments, processes and plans were under review, arrangements were delegated, personnel tentatively assigned, sponsors to be solicited...the whole machinery of preparation began to shift into high gear...

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