Home Authors Posts by Stacy Turner

Stacy Turner

Stacy Turner

Self-Described ‘Lunatic Farmer’ Unleashed at Hiram College

Hiram - Hiram College students and local farmers had the opportunity to meet Joel Salatin, who the New York Times called, “the high priest of the pasture,” and “Virginia’s most multi-faceted agrarian since Thomas Jefferson”. Salatin raises livestock free of potentially harmful chemicals on his Polyface Farm in Swoope,...

Earth Day + Sunshine = Fun at Crestwood

Mantua - Sunshine, warm weather, and easy access to a playground, combined with lots of volunteers made the Earth Day celebration at Crestwood Primary & Intermediate Schools a big success. As participants checked in at the Welcome Booth of the free after-school community program, they received an Earth Day...

Ravenna Relay for Life Laps Cancer

Ravenna - At Relay For Life events, communities come together to honor cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against a disease that has already taken too much from each of us. That’s why 531 participants on 38 teams have already raised over $56,500 for the Relay...

A Cinderella Story

Once upon a time -- last Saturday night, in fact -- my husband and I had the opportunity to transport our two princesses to the nearby land of Mantua. While we didn’t take a coach and ball gowns were optional, our princesses were delighted at the events that unfolded.  In...

Crestwood District News

Mantua - Narrowing down the playing field in just a few short months from forty-seven applicants to just one, the Crestwood School Board has hired David Toth, (currently the principal at West Geauga High School), as Crestwood’s new School Superintendent. Retiring Superintendent Joe Iacano stated, “I wish David the...

Relay for Life Brings Big Hope for Survivors

Hiram - Less than twenty-four hours after we enjoyed temperatures in the upper 70s, teams of students, faculty, staff and community members walked amid blowing rain and snow last Friday night at the Charles A. Henry Field track at Hiram College in honor of cancer victims and survivors. Although...

Help A Humanitarian Help the 4Cs

The Crestwood Community Care Coalition (4Cs) has been helping families in the Crestwood School District for over 20 years. Now, you’ve got a chance to help them by doing something you probably already do anyway. The more donations of money and non-perishable food they receive now through April 30th,...

Cinderella Comes to Life at Crestwood High School

Mantua - Dust off your tiara, because on April 19th to April 21st, you’ll be transported into one of childhood’s best-loved fairy tales. Crestwood High Drama Club will present Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “Cinderella” at the nearby CHS gymnasium, so pumpkin coaches are not required. You’ll be transported as Cinderella,...

Weather Didn’t Hamper Easter Carnival

Mantua - Scads of kids went to Crestwood Primary School this past Saturday. Yes, they willingly came to school on the first Saturday of spring break, but their motivation was anything but academic. On their minds were eggs, candy, Easter baskets and carnival games -- and they were not...

Village of Mantua Battles Back from Fiscal Watch

Mantua - Last Tuesday’s Mantua Village Council meeting marked the momentous occasion of the Village being removed from Fiscal Watch by Nita Hendryx, a representatives from Ohio’s Auditor of State’s Office (ASO). According to Jenny August, Village Clerk-Treasurer, Mantua met the criteria of ‘Fiscal Watch’ at the end of...

SWCD Helps You Plan Spring Planting

Portage County - Now that spring is in the air, outdoor projects are on the top of most people’s minds. The folks at Portage Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) want to share their expertise to help you select the ideal trees and shrubs best-suited for your landscape. By...

Moving Mantua Forward by Preserving its Precious Past

Mantua - A recent visitor to the area commented on how much she loved the beauty and small town American charm of the homes, churches and town centers of Northeast Ohio. When I gave her a quizzical look, she explained, laughing, “I live in Tampa, where everything’s new. We...

Family Literacy is a Community Effort

Mantua - Twenty-five volunteers -- including one Cat in the Hat -- came from four area churches on one evening to help spread a message of family literacy at Crestwood Primary School (CPS). “We’re grateful to be invited into the school. Family Literacy Night is a great way for us...

Who is St. Baldrick?

Hiram - On March 23, a head-shaving fundraiser in honor of this fictitious saint will be hosted by the Hiram Fire Department Fire Fighter Association’s (HFDFFA). So why host an event -- especially one where people lose their hair -- for a fake saint? Because more children are lost...

Is Fracking Against Your Religion?

Fracking has become a hot political and economic issue in Portage County, as more permits are granted and more wells are drilled. For some, however, fracking has also become a religious issue. Grounded in the belief that calls us to be faithful stewards of our planet’s resources, a group...

Pond Clinic Offers Free Advice

Did you know that maintaining a successful balance in your pond starts with picking the right species of fish who occupy it? Do you have questions on selecting the right fish for your pond, or how to cultivate the most beneficial aquatic plants? Would you like to hear from...

Hiram Township Happenings

Hiram Twp.  - As of January, 2013, Kathy Schulda was voted Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Steve Pancost was voted Vice Chairman and Regional Planning Commission Representative. Meeting minutes from the past two meetings were approved, and are now available to view downloaded at the Hiram Township...

Italian Garden Comes to Burton

Burton - Italian food is one of the most popular ethnic foods in America, and Tim Weiss knows how to make it. With over 15 years of experience, you might say Weiss has marinara in his veins. He started the Italian Garden Restaurant in Garrettsville in 1997. He eventually...

Community Center Gets Its Start at Center School

Wikipedia defines community centers as “public locations where members of a community tend to gather for group activities, social support, public information, and other purposes.” Like many folks in Mantua Township, Ellie Monroe, a long-time resident, would like to see the historic Mantua Center School building effectively used as such...

Free Water Testing in Streetsboro

Streetsboro - Author James Fennimore Cooper is quoted as saying, “The air, the water and the ground are free gifts to man and no one has the power to portion them out in parcels. Man must drink and breathe and walk and therefore each man has a right to...

One Book, One School, One Principal and Two Pigs?

Mantua - Charlotte’s Web came to life at Crestwood Primary School (CPS) last Thursday. Students, teachers and staff learned that they had “Some School” as they saw their cafeteria transformed into Wilbur’s home at Mr. Zuckerman’s farm.  The menagerie included two sheep, one miniature horse, and one calf, courtesy...

Skrovan New Hiram Village Fiscal Officer

Hiram - Sue Skrovan was sworn in by Hiram Village Mayor Bertrand as the newly appointed Fiscal Officer at the last Village Council meeting. Skrovan, who was officially appointed by a unanimous vote of the Hiram Village Council on December 27, started in her new role on December 28....

A Young Life Lost

I was deeply saddened by the recent news that a Hiram College freshman named Chavonne Chin-Albert, passed away of an apparent suicide. The campus community was notified Saturday via email, prayers were requested for her and her family. Counselors were available to talk with students and the Chapel opened...

Keeping New Year’s Resolutions – The Easy Way

According to University of Scranton’s Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45% of Americans usually ring in the New Year by making resolutions, with the top two goals to lose weight and get organized. Many of those same resolutions are often abandoned or forgotten by the end of January. We’ve got...

Putting a Face on Fracking–Farming & Films (Part Three)

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, involves blasting millions of gallons of water mixed with sand and chemicals into a well to break up shale and allow oil and gas to flow out. The practice has come to Portage County in a big way over the last 18 months, potentially fueling...

Local Firm Helps Students Realize College Dreams

Hiram - According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the annual current dollar prices for the 2010-2011 academic year for undergraduate tuition, room and board were estimated to be $13,600 at public institutions and a whopping $36,300 at private institutions. NCES also reports that only one in...

Health Effects of Fracking

Streetsboro - On Saturday, January 26, at 7:30 P.M., Concerned Citizens - Shalersville, will host Dr. Deborah Cowden, speaking on the Health Impacts of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Dr. Cowden, President of the Greene County Medical Society, currently serves as Clinic Physician at Knox County Health Department in Mount...

Oasis® Breaks Ground On State-Of-The-Art Greenhouse In Kent

Kent - On an unseasonably mild day in December, on a quiet street in Kent, a small group gathered to take a huge step forward for OASIS®Grower Solutions (OGS). While a new greenhouse had been on the minds of many at OGS for several years, the company recently broke...

Putting a Face on Fracking — Hearing from Homeowners (Part Two)

Our little corner of Northeast Ohio is experiencing a new wave of oil and gas exploration, as new drilling and production technologies make extraction of oil and gas from the shale deposits deep beneath the land more accessible. Over the past 18 - 24 months, energy company “landmen” and...

The Most Important Meal?

I understand that breakfast is the most important part of the day. I agree with the theory that a healthy and productive day starts by fueling your body, which kick-starts your metabolism, giving your body the energy it needs to face the day. This idea really has merit, so...

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