Home Geauga County Attention Geauga County Voters

Attention Geauga County Voters


Absentee ballots for the May 8, 2018 Primary election will be available beginning Tuesday, April 10, 2018. Voters who wish to vote an absentee ballot may submit a request to the:

Geauga County Board of Elections
470 Center Street, Bldg. 6-A
Chardon, OH 44024

Absentee applications may be requested by calling the above Board of Elections or by going to the Geauga County Board of Election’s website http://www.co.geauga.oh.us/Departments/BOE/Important-Voter-Information and downloading an application, filling it out, signing and mailing to the Board of Elections. Voters can get a blank application by clicking on the Absentee tab. If they go to Voter Information, and use the voter look-up tab the application will be pre-populated with the voter’s name and address.

The deadline for requesting an absentee ballot to be mailed is noon Saturday, May 5, 2018. All voted absentee ballots must be postmarked by May 7, 2018 or hand delivered to our office by 7:30 pm on May 8, 2018.


Anton Albert Photography