Home Portage County ASPIRE Celebrates HSE Graduation

ASPIRE Celebrates HSE Graduation


Approximately 250 guests attended the ASPIRE HSE Recognition that was hosted by The Portage County Literacy Coalition on Thursday, June 7, 2018, held at Maplewood Career Center. Laure Gauntner, ASPIRE Coordinator and Portage County Literacy Coalition President, welcomed HSE graduates, guests, and friends. She also introduced special speakers: Christy Elliott, ASPIRE Program Manager; Mike Kerrigan, Portage County Commissioner, Sasha Wilson, Counselor from Ohio Means Jobs; and Holly James, previous 2010 graduate.

Current graduates Amanda Malek, Ashley Wymer, Tyler Lawson, and Kayla Kurtz shared their learning experiences. David Shea, PCLC Board Member and ASPIRE Instructor, introduced Brandy Jones who spoke to the crowd regarding Sue Miller, Board Member that passed in March 2018. Her brother Bob Miller presented the Sue Miller Literacy Awards to ASPIRE students: Alex Kelly, Jennifer Hannan, and Tyler Lawson. A special Teacher’s Achievement Award went to, Chris Winborne.

The night moved on as Barb Elam, PCLC Secretary, did a memorial to Helen Jane Wilson, former ABLE Coordinator and creator of the Portage County Literacy Coalition. Helen Jane Wilson had a passion for literacy and moving adults forward in their education after the GED. It is because of Helen Jane Wilson that the PCLC exists and the HSE graduates have a yearly graduation to celebrate their educational journey. Laure Gauntner presented the Wilson Fund Scholarship awards to: Madison Lummas, a future computer science student at Kent State University; Ashley Wymer, who is starting the nursing field at Stark State Akron; David Allen, a second year KSU interior design student; and Kayla Kurtz, who plans on transitioning into the Police Academy. Laure Gauntner closed the night by giving the Community Partner Award to Regina Holliday, Proctor from Community and Technology Learning Center in Ravenna.

Finally, Michael Hinton, Maplewood Career Center’s Workforce Development Director, called students up to the stage to receive their certificates. Excitement began to buzz through the air as the HSE graduation ceremonies came to an end. The proud and excited graduates were then asked to turn their tassels.

All of ASPIRE classes and materials are free-of-charge with classes held all year round. ASPIRE can help you with: Increasing basic reading, writing, or math skills; preparing for HSE/GED; organizing for certification testing; expanding employability skills; planning for post-secondary education, training, or trade; or basic English classes. Call (330)235-0020 to sign-up for an orientation with ASPIRE.


Anton Albert Photography