Home Portage County Area Memorial Day Services

Area Memorial Day Services


Garrettsville – On May 30 at 9 am service will be held at the Veterans Memorial on Maple Avenue. The Memorial Day parade will step off following the service and will proceed to Park Cemetery for a service including the laying of wreaths.

Hiram Village / Township – A Memorial Day Parade and Remembrance Ceremony will be held on Monday, May 30 beginning at noon from Hiram Christian Church, ending at Fairview Cemetery. Afterwards, the public is welcome to attend a reception at Koritanski Hall, where refreshments will be served.

Mantua – Memorial Day service will begin at 9:30 am on May 30 at the Old Village School with a parade proceeding to Hillside Cemetery.

Mantua Township – A short ceremony will be held at 11 a.m. on May 30 at Westlawn Cemetery on State Route 82

Nelson Township will observe Memorial Day with a 10 a.m. service on May 30 at the historic veteran’s memorial at Nelson Circle.

Newton Falls – On May 30 a parade will step off at 10:30 am from Cadle company and proceed to Veterans Park for a memorial service.

Ravenna – Memorial Day celebration will begin on the Ravenna courthouse lawn May 30 at 10:30 am with a 21-gun salute and taps. From there a memorial service will be held at Maple Grove Cemetery.

Windham Village & Township – A parade and memorial service will be begin at noon on May 30 beginning at North Main and Center streets in Windham Village and proceeding to Windham Township Cemetery on Windham-Parkman Road, where the ceremony will be held.


Anton Albert Photography