Home We're All Invited Another Eagle Preparing To Fly

Another Eagle Preparing To Fly


Garrettsville – Eagle Scout candidate Ryan Pawlus has elected to build a peace garden  near the Peace Pole at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church (which sponsors his troop, 4262) and he is seeking support from individuals and groups to purchase the engraved bricks which will  be used to create the walkway leading to the garden.  Each of the bricks is available  for $50.  The project is slated to begin in April, 2014, and be completed by June, 2014.

Forms for the message to be printed on your brick are available from Ryan(9894 St. Rte 700, Mantua, OH  44255; jpawlus26@gmail.com) or at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church.  Checks should be made payable to : GUMC-Eagle Project.

A representation of the design plan is on display at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church, Park Av.,  Garrettsville OH.


Anton Albert Photography