Home Other Areas Annual GCRTA Picnic Scheduled

Annual GCRTA Picnic Scheduled


The Geauga County Retired Teachers’ Association will hold their annual picnic on Tuesday August 5th at Swine Creek Park in Middlefield at the Lake Side Shelter. Swine Creek Park is located at 15900 Hayes Rd. which turns off of Rte 87 east of Middlefield. (Please refer to a map which is posted on our website: gerta.net.) Attendees may gather at 11:15 with a business meeting beginning at 11:30 followed by picnic lunch at noon.

Each participant is asked to bring their own table service and a dish to pass. Pulled pork sandwiches will be supplied by Nancy Speck, and drinks will also be provided. After the meal, the Grant in Aid recipients will be introduced and presented with their awards.

Please RSVP to Nancy Speck at 440-286-3864. Guests are encouraged to bring a newly retired teacher, school personnel, or another guest who may need a ride. The association will be accepting donations of flour or kidney beans for The Geauga County Hunger Task Force, as well as SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR GEAUGA STUDENTS.

If transportation is needed to the picnic, please contact Geauga Transit at 440-285-2222 or 440-564-7131 ext. 5160 a week before the scheduled event to make your reservation.



Anton Albert Photography