Home Iva's Input And We’re Off!

And We’re Off!


Most recent R-C bulletin claims that the Old Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a very cold winter for much of the country. I have not got my 2022 copy yet, but it’s on my list to check out. As usual, there will, no doubt, be variations by specific locales, but I’m getting my woolies in order, just in case. Could be cold and snowy or just cold and dry; cold, in any case.  I think that it’s about time to be investigating new boots of some sort. This is always fraught with difficulties, since I have world-class bunions and toes afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis (kinks at every joint…and there are thirty of them–fifteen per foot).  Fitting is definitely a challenge.  Reminds me of a line from that folk song, “My Darling Clementine”: “Light she was, and like a feather, and her shoes were number nine (#9), Herring boxes, without topses, sandals were for Clementine.” Sometimes I think that I’d be as well off wearing the boxes as trying to get shoes that fit. Also the reason why I virtually never order shoes or boots on-line.  Gotta try them on (sometimes even that does not work) or it’s just one long parade of returns…which is a pain in the patootie. The fairs are all over, the football season, the marching band season, the soccer season, the volleyball season, the golf season are in full swing. The cranberry bog harvest begins on Cape Cod, MA–Thanksgiving is on the way, dontcha know. The early morning hours have been sparkling with stars as the crescent moon heads for a close. Rosh Hashanah, Patriot Day, Ember Day, Yom Kippur, Sukkoth, the full Harvest Moon and the Autumnal Equinox are all on tap, to to speak, for the month of September.  Leaves are next!

And while you’re trying to find time for all of that, please give some thought to giving some volunteer hours around the community; everybody is short-handed. The Y has been hurting for personnel to cover its regular hours (It’s a paying, easy gig). The JAG athletic department is hard-pressed to have enough folks to take tickets and/or help out at ball games. The Boosters–Athletic & Band–always appreciate more helpful individuals to step up to cover all bases. You could make a genuine difference and maybe meet some new people, learn a new skill or two, have a good time, even.  Check it out.

As summer winds down (Autumnal Equinox, September 22), various critters( woodchucks and such) are stocking up their fat layers for the winter hibernation. Here in the neighborhood we’ve had at least a couple of sightings of the furry black-and-whites under and around porches.

Across the street there is, apparently, a cozy location for the skunklings, who sometimes come over here to visit. I don’t mean to be inhospitable, but when I came across one Pepe Le Pew up on my porch, scarfing down cat food just put out for the porch kitties, I had to yell at the sneak thief. He took off and I haven’t seen him since. Across the street, the lights have been on under every low-hanging bush and hidey-hole, hoping to discourage long-term residents. Looks sorta like a miniature Motel Six, but we have not seen–or smelled–anything untoward for awhile. This is good.

This being harvest season, I am particularly bummed out by the fact that –once again–I have no pawpaws. This year it was not even the fault of the coons, who have been regularly raiding the patch and making off with whatever fruit there has been.  This year, only one of the trees had any blossoms at all; have to have two to tango. What’s up with that? Plenty of bushes, no blossoms, no fruit.  Immaturity, perhaps? This is turning into a long-term crusade.

Random thought after a trip on a big highway the other day : Why do drivers get into the passing lanes (presumably to pass other vehicles) and then just sit there while cars pile up behind them hoping to move along past the even slower cars and trucks in the right-hand lane? I even understand getting stuck next to one of those monster double/ triple (God help us) trailer affairs, with cars stacked up behind, but if you are not going to PASS, then don’t get in the passing lane. Right? Hit the gas and get out of there so you’re not raising the blood pressure of every other driver on the highway, to the point where bad things can happen. And along with that : why do pointless slow-downs occur when there is no visible reason for them–no accidents, no police stops, no flooding or debris in the road, just slow-down…then, POOF, it’s over and everything starts moving again.  Bugs me every time.

I should be able to stop traveling incognito soon. My hat is being replicated/renovated/reconditioned and should be good -as-new soon, so everyone will know who I am once more. Or perhaps they’d rather not. We’ll  see.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography