Home Iva's Input All You Need is Love

All You Need is Love


Well, not exactly. The Beatles got a lot of things right but this sentiment is not really gonna cut it when it comes to public works…like, say, the Portage County Park District.

Saturday, April 22, was the annual Portage Park District Foundation recognition benefit dinner event, giving credit where credit was due to many of the folks (not all, mind you) who have made major contributions. The information available was amazing. The number of “movers & shakers” in attendance was impressive. The silent auction offerings were outstanding…and impressively snapped up.
Music for the assemblage was at a perfect sound level–not too loud, not too soft, recognizable but not distracting–furnished the Maestro Byrne, with no tip jar. The food and service was excellent.( These folks are serious about conservation & recycling; there was very little plastic of any kind in evidence. The centerpieces for the tables were tomato plants donated by Hometown Bank–lucky individuals got to take those home after the festivities.) The awardees–Renee Ruchotzke, Tom Franek, The Davey Tree Expert Company, Bibury and Company, Popped !, Kristen Pool, Nancy Smith, Beth Buchanan (Look ‘em up, you’ll learn a lot) were interviewed and could be seen electronically, eliminating a lot of “to-ing and fro-ing” that always slows up this sort of gathering; the scenic background for many of the itms was worth the price of admission.

Christine Craycroft, Portage Park District Executive Director outlined the history of the park system–including the all-important passage of the actual funding for the district by Portage County voters. She also gave a heads-up concerning current PPDF projects such as the Reforest Portage Parks opportunity to leave a lasting environmental gift, the Headwaters Adventure Race : Run Pedal, Paddle–for trails and watershed conservation (taking off July 8th, Buchert Park, Mantua), and the Wild Hikes Challenge–a chance to explore widely as well as get a walking staff ad medallions…P.S., your dog can get in on this one for a reward too.

Plans and acquisitions of all sorts, all over the county were highlighted, including Headwaters Trail heading toward Aurora, three environmentally significant bogs and a fen (Look ‘em up, it’ll be good for you.); this is all in aid of acquiring and improving important natural areas, trail corridors and open spaces, adding amenities and facilities for more positive experiences for families and individuals and communities.

Tying this all together, of course is the next big effort to support all facets of the system itself : the Park District will be seeking voter support for a ½ mill replacement levy and a ½ mill additional property tax levy (10 years) on the November 7, 2023 ballot. This request would cost the owner of a $100,000 home less than $3 per month for an environmental bucketful of free and/or low-cost programs benefitting adults and children, bikers, hikers, education and job-training opportunities.

Failure to expand the park district income stream will severely limit its ability to conserve land and water resources, while creating new parks and trails and keeping current facilities safe and usable for all. Information on the park district as a whole is available online (portageparkdistrict.org), the Junior Ranger program launches in May, 2023 (Check out the adventures of Owlbert), schedules for June, July and August are available–with something for everyone. T-shirts flashing your support are available all over the place (You could try going to HQ at 705 Oakwood St., Ravenna, OH 44266); you could get one in every color or depicting your favorite park. There are projects just waiting to be brought to fruition for your education and enjoyment. Jump on the bandwagon and tootle Portage County’s own tune for everyone’s enjoyment outdoors. Do it for the community; do it for yourself. Wear the shirt proudly : I LOVE MY PORTAGE PARKS. Just Do it.

Chief Seattle was quoted at one point during the evening; the quote was, “Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth. “ Now, more than ever. And vote on November 7. That’s what we need…besides love, that is.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography