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“All Aboard”


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are The Rotarian Train, highballing it to the Family Fun Week coming up, starting with the Music Festival on Sunday, February 26 in the Iva Walker Auditorium at James A. Garfield High School, proceeding through the Community Night Out activities (3/2/12) and Grandparents Night (2/28/12) at the Portage County District Library and ending with the Fun Festival (FREE!) on March 3 at the Garfield Elementary building.  Make your reservations on the calendar right now and listen for the humming on the tracks.

There will be contests galore, face-painting and games, fun for everyone.  The Boy Scouts will be manning the food operations on Saturday.  Inflatables will be available for sliding, bouncing climbing, you-name-it.  Family Founders–couples married fifty years or more–are invited to attend Saturday’s festivities to receive recognition and a token  reward(Nothing compared to their families themselves, of course).

Any community members who’d like to participate and volunteer their time and expertise are welcome to contact Rotarians.  Check in with Delores at McCumbers-Brady Realty or with Amy at the Business Works, both on Main Street, Garrettsville and you can be a conductor too!

Besides all of that, clubs of District 6630 are looking for nominations for “Rotary Heroes”, individuals who exemplify the goals and principles of Rotary, worldwide (not necessarily Rotarians).  On April 11, the local group will be hosting Rotary Group Study Exchange students at a regular meeting and invite interested parties to attend.  District Rotary Youth Exchange students (Ours will be Jessica Lyons this year) will be meeting on April 14.

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club meets on Monday evenings in the Kennedy Center at Hiram College; dinner at 5:30, meeting at 6:00.  You’re invited.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography