Home Geauga County AARP Chapter 4527 News

AARP Chapter 4527 News


The Bainbridge/Chagrin AARP Chapter #4527 will meet on Tuesday, June 5, 2018, at 1 pm, at the Bainbridge Town Hall, 17826 Chillicothe Road, Bainbridge Twp., Ohio. (Behind the Fire Station).

Our program will be Tom Strong, a motivational speaker who will speak on Lung Disorders including asthma. Tom does speaking all over the area including many nursing homes, on many different subjects. This should be an interesting subject as many of us have different disorders pertaining to the lungs..

We will hold a brief meeting after the program and find out what is happening the next few months.

We are still collecting food and staples for the Food for Friends food pantry as the shelves are getting bare, and also for the Geauga Dog Shelter, it is puppy season and they are in need of dog food, puppy food, and hot dogs for the meds. Of course, they always can use monetary donations for the necessities.

Come and hear our speaker and share some sweet treats and visit with friends.
For further information, please call Betty Franek at 440-543-4767.


Anton Albert Photography