Home Geauga County AARP Chapter #4527 Meeting News

AARP Chapter #4527 Meeting News


The Bainbridge/Chagrin AARP #4527 will host our Holiday Party on Tuesday, December 3rd, 1 pm, at Mangia Mangia Italian Restaurant, 11081 Kinsman Road , (Rt. 87) Newbury, Ohio.

Members should call Betty Scholz, @440-338-8321 for reservations. 

Now that Summer is over, we are starting off with some wild weather, and if Kenston School System is closed due to weather, we will be closed also.  Please check your local television  stations or I phones, for school closings.

Our next  meeting (weather permitting) will be Tuesday, January 7th, 2020, 1 pm, at the Bainbridge Town Hall,17826 Chillicothe Road (Rt. 306) Bainbridge Township, Ohio.

Hopefully the weather will co-operate with us. 

We are still collecting perishables for our local Food For Friends food pantry, as you can imagine, the shelves are bare, and also dog food  for the Geauga Dog Shelter, which is also in need!  We will also take monetary donations, if you forget to bring in food donations.

Please come and join us in January  for a hot cup of coffee, some sweet treats, and visit with friends, neighbors, or make new friends. 

For further information, please call Betty Franek at 440-543-4767


Anton Albert Photography