Home Burton A night of celebration for the Burton-Middlefield Rotarians

A night of celebration for the Burton-Middlefield Rotarians

Photo courtesy of the Burton-Middlefield Rotary

On June 26, 18 Burton Middlefield Rotarians, 9 spouses, and approx. 20 invited guests enjoyed a fantastic evening at the “Glass Asylum” party center in Chagrin Falls. They were entertained by music from the Rockability music group who did their usual great job.

Tasty Mexican food was supplied by Coyote’s Restaurant in Bainbridge along with good bar service for the thirsty. The Glass Asylum is themed on their glass-blowing artwork which they teach and supply for sale. The many glass pieces displayed throughout the facility give it a colorful, artsy and lively decor. 

The program was kicked off with a speech by incoming District Governor Dale Smith. Club Secretary Bob Johnson then inducted Larry Fox as our 2024/2025 club president who received his president’s pin. Larry then pinned outgoing President Mike Valentino with his past president’s pin and thanked him for his dedicated past two years. Larry gave a brief speech about his plans for our upcoming year. This was followed by induction of the new Board of Directors by Bob Johnson and the presentation of awards from Larry to Mike of the traditional wooden gavel marking a past-president.

Mike presented an “Upcoming Rotary Star” award to Andrew Pleso for his work as membership chair and chairing the Jeep Invasion as a new Rotarian and the “Rotarian of the Year” award to went Bev Goodridge for stepping up and filling the club treasurer position and other above-and-beyond work that she has done over the past year.

An exciting double “Heads-and-Tails” (the first round had no winner) went to Bob and Cindy Johnson with the prize being a beautiful large glass bowl in the traditional Rotary colors of blue and gold.

A big thanks to Larry and Sue Fox for providing this wonderful, exciting and out-of-the-box event. They spent a lot of time and effort to provide us with a very enjoyable evening and start us on a new and productive BMR Rotary year.


Anton Albert Photography