Home Ravenna A Little Wine… And A Ghost or Two…

A Little Wine… And A Ghost or Two…


Ravenna – Who doesn’t love a good ghost story?  Or a glass of good wine?  Or some local history?  Maybe some live music? If any of those appeal to you, then Ravenna has just the place for you!  Located at 234 West Main Street in the historic section of downtown Ravenna, the West Main Winery and Brewery is a great spot to get out of the house, gather with friends, night out, have a meeting, meet a ghost…

Owners Jim and DeAnne Wade made some time for this reporter, on a dreary Tuesday afternoon.  Upon entering the tastefully decorated main room, saw a crackling, if electric, fire in a gorgeous fireplace. Sitting at a well-appointed table in front of the fire was a charming and well-dressed rabbit apparently awaiting a glass of wine before his Easter duties begin! 

Jim introduced himself and shared the story of how the old Buckeye Bar was transformed into this charming mecca of wine, beer, and fun.  Opening day was May 18, 2018, but the story begins well before that.  As a retiree, this veteran was looking for a hobby.  One year, near Christmas, he gathered with some friends.  His friend gave him a bottle of wine, and the 4 words that changed the path of his life, “I made this myself.” That inspired Jim to educate himself on all things related to wine.  He now holds two degrees from Kent State University, one in Enology and the other Viticulture.  His diplomas hang proudly over the doorway by the bar.  

Those four words inspired Jim not only to educate himself, but to begin a business.  He grew up in the Chagrin Falls area, and was asked what brought him to Ravenna.  As it turns out, Ravenna chose him.  He and DeAnne were enjoying a trip to a small town in Illinois, when they stopped into a small winery.  That small town was very much like Ravenna.  When the Buckeye Bar came up for sale, he was reminded of the great time and ambiance of that small-town winery.  The rest is history.

Speaking of history, this Winery is filled with it.  Proudly displayed in the hallway is a pictorial history of this building.   It dates back to 1875, as a general store belonging to O.C. Risdon and E.R. Taylor. Risdon was a commander for the 53rd Mississippi Colored Infantry. After an injury at the Battle of Vicksburg  took him out of the army in 1863, he settled in the Portage County area.  He served two terms as Sheriff, then bought the general store at the end of his second term.  The Wades keep the back area as a look into history.  There you can see artifacts uncovered during their renovation in 2015.  You can see pictures of Risdon and his dog in the back hallway. Interestingly enough, the dog is still here…

Jim says he has three tours available; history, production and paranormal.  Yes, if you have heard the rumor that the winery is haunted, he claims it is true…so, please take me on the Paranormal tour!  We went upstairs, a beautiful stair case leading to a large, mostly unfinished area.  Methinks the Wades have plans for that, eventually.  The view over Main Street is exceptional.  Getting to the top was a bit more breathtaking than I expected, as I was flushed and breathing heavily by the end of just one (steep) flight.  The winery also hosts some gatherings of paranormal groups, sometimes Jim will join in, should business allow for his absence.  My feeling of exceptional warmth didn’t pass as my breathing calmed, and Jim looked at me and said I was having a visit from a strong female.  Knowing that mere death has never kept my mother or grandmother from hanging out with me, I assumed it was one of them.  He said he didn’t have a message from her, but just pure love.  Had to be Mom, the warmth was in the area where my short mama would lovingly hug me.  A hug from beyond.  Cue the tear, and heavy sigh.  Thanks, Mom, I love you, too. 

The World Paranormal Investigators meet in this room, I hope they have room for Mom! Under the leadership of author John Brugge, they have visited many times.  The WPI started in July of 2004, with John and Bea Brugge, and some friends in the United Kingdom that share their talents and interest.  John shared some of his WMW encounters with me. He sensed a man in the basement corner, causing the hair on his arms to stand up.  O.C. Risdon, perhaps?  Bea and John both have seen a young lad, and are continuing to investigate what would be behind his continued presence.  Sometimes Bea picks up a male energy, that seemingly doesn’t like women.  “Ed” is from a bygone era, so perhaps the attitude has more to do with his time than anything else.  Not to worry, Ed is not dangerous!  Bea has also picked up a female energy.

They hosted a Paranormal Night there, as part of one of Ravenna’s Haunted Walking Tours. While there, the equipment set up in the back hallway recorded the motion of an orb of light that emanated from the grandfather clock in the back room.  They tried to recreate the movement of that orb, to satisfy the most skeptic (Bea) that it cannot be scientifically explained before calling it paranormal.  John also experienced J.O. Risdon’s dog, feeling a wet-fur sensation on his hand.  This occurred as Jim Wade was asking about a smell — that of a wet dog. 

John wants to emphasize that they always thoroughly investigate any activity they pick up, trying to debunk it scientifically.   They are regulars at the Historical Society, trying to match up history with their experiences. They are local to the Ravenna area, and do not charge for their services.  Rather than make money, as is sometimes seen on TV, they are trying to help people.  Like World Paranormal Investigations on Face Book.  Send them a message should you have need.  They are quite responsive.

I can’t guarantee that everyone will have their personal visitation, but the one I had hit home!  Fortunately, I was at a winery, and could use this interview as a reason for a glass of wine.  I asked for their best-selling wine. As I sipped their superior dry red, Carmenere, Jim helped me make some sense of my visit from beyond.  Many clients have observed a child standing at the top of the stairs. The name Tommy has come through for many who are sensitive.  Sometimes, clients have even cautioned the owners about a child standing alone in such a dangerous location!  Tommy is one resident spirit. O.C. Risdon’s dog is another.  Oft times, customers have felt a dog brush up against their legs as they sip their wine.  Reaching down to pet the pooch, they find no dog! 

As my nerves were calmed, conversation turned back to the business.  The production tour had taken me downstairs.  There were metallic barrels lining the wall, cases of wine, and even a small wooden barrel.  The wall itself was very interesting, being the foundation of another building that was repurposed all those years ago.  This is where the magic happens! Turning hops and malt into beer and grape juice into wine certainly qualifies as magic in my book.

They have an extensive list of wines. The Carmenere grape was once thought to be extinct.  Actually, only two wineries carry it.  Ravenna is so lucky to be one of them.  There is a full menu of wines available, both red and white.  They range from sweet, such as Blue Raven, to their dry Cabernet Sauvignon.  Whites range from sweet Junebug to their dry Pinot Gris.  There are even two Sweet Rose’ wines, Summertime and Pink Moscato. Wine slushies are available, too.  Flavors vary from by the week, but favorites include Mango and Pina Colada (Yes, I like Pina Coladas…but I digress again…) 

The WMW not only has wines, but has branched out into Beer and Cider.  Hard ciders include a traditional Pear Cider, Black Cherry Apple and the intriguing Peanut Butter and Pear. AJ Wade, DeAnne and Jim’s son, is the Brewer, and the beers are varied as well. Sailor’s Delight is a Red Ale known to be smooth.  Yes, I am saying it in my head, too.  Red Sky at night…Sailor’s Delight. (You’re welcome.) Many other varieties of suds are available, too — from bitter to sour to Satan’s Piss!  Made with 3 of the hottest peppers known to humankind, it is apparently imported directly from H-E-double-toothpicks…I will let you order it and be the judge of that!

Beer, wine, or cider not your thing?  They have hard lemonade, too.  There is the traditional hard lemonade, and Hard Strawberry Lemonade.  If you are the designated driver for the evening, perhaps you would like a slushie — it can be made non-alcoholic.  Jim admits to being a bit of a bourbon snob, so he is adding high-end bourbons to his wares.  He has an inventory ready to go, just awaiting the liquor license. Water is always available for self-serve at the bar.

Want something to nosh while enjoying the wares?  Current food options are sourced out.  Neighboring Guido’s will deliver your dinner to you, to enjoy as you sip your wine.  Everyone in the area knows Guido’s; give them a call at 330-296-9009. Lugapha’s Smoked BBQ is available for your enjoyment Thursday through Saturday at their back patio.  Of course, you are welcome to bring your food from home.  The Wades are keeping an eye open for the future.  If you go into the back area, you will notice areas of construction. Jim and DeAnne are adding winery basics to their services; personal pizzas, cheese plates…

So, what to do while you are sipping?  They have a variety of seating.  You could belly up to the bar, perhaps engage the bartender in conversation, between serving other customers.  The host family; Jim, DeAnne and ¬ AJ are very friendly, and justly proud of their place.  Maybe ask for a tour? There are high top tables near the bar, there is an area much like a living room with a couch and comfy chairs near the crackling fire.  (After a few glasses, maybe engage in a conversation with the bunny? Why not, Alice did!)  Then there are a few rows of tables that face the front windows.  

On weekends, one front window area is transformed into a musical venue.  Live music is available every Friday and Saturday.  Upcoming April acts include Rocks & Roots, an acoustic duo from NE Ohio, on April 8. An acoustic trio of guitarists, 1264, will be performing on April 9.  Clyde Alan Hensley, singer/songwriter from Akron, will be performing on April 15.  WMW has Karaoke/Open Mic every Wednesday with Miss Frankie’s Karaoke.  Also, they have themed nights the second Wednesday of every month.  Miss Frankie teams with DJ Krooze, ensuring a fun night out!  There is even Virtual Jukebox for the nights when there is no live music.  Jim says that reservations are strongly suggested on music nights, especially for groups.  Groups under four have a first come basis for available seating.

They opened just a couple years before the COVID shut-down.  Just as the business was hitting its booming stride…The tasting room had to close, and of course, there was no live music.  They were allowed to sell bottles to go, and that kept their budding business afloat.  They participated in some of the events that the Ravenna Area Chamber of Commerce sponsored to help the area businesses through the shut-down.  The Wades are thankful for the support of the community during this time.  

The winery is also a wonderful place to hold a special event.  The Ravenna Chamber of Commerce often meets there during the off-hours.  They have hosted meetings, parties, showers and even weddings.  Be sure to call at (330) 839-8042 to make arrangements.

The Wades have a guiding belief in fun and quality.  They serve only high-quality drinks, made from the best ingredients available.  They refuse to cheap out anywhere to save a buck!  They also like to maintain an atmosphere of fun; if they are having fun, they know their clientele is having fun, too! 

If you would like to learn more visit their website, wmswinery.com.  There you can find the music schedule, list of wines/beers and ciders, events and the history of the building.  You can also find them on Face Book and Instagram. Stop in, their hours are Tuesday through Thursday from 2:00pm to 10:00pm, and open until 11:30 on Friday and Saturday. You will be glad you did.  If you see Mom, say hi!  

Ethel Wupperman