Home News Soccer Camp for Kids This Summer

Soccer Camp for Kids This Summer


youth-soccer-auburn-townshipAuburn Twp. – If your child could use an intensive week of soccer skills training in a friendly, professional atmosphere, with the added bonus of daily Team Talks for instruction in life-enriching Biblical principles, they will love Ambassadors Soccer Camp 9am-3pm, July 22-26 (Tuesday-Saturday) at Friendship Alliance Church in Auburn Township.

Ambassadors Soccer Camps are designed to give developing players (ages 6-14) the opportunity to learn basic and advanced skills in a positive, encouraging environment. Both technical and tactical instruction is given at individual and group levels, focusing on control, passing, heading, dribbling, shooting and defending.

Small-sided games and age-related competitions round out the daily program. The week concludes with individual skill competitions and the highly-anticipated ‘World Cup’ tournament and family picnic.

The coaching staff is comprised of experienced players and coaches — some local and others who play soccer for their countries. International coaches typically represent Holland, Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, and/or Northern Ireland.

Online registration is available at www.ambassadorssoccercamps.com. The fee through May 31 is $130; $155 thereafter. Each camper receives an Ambassadors soccer ball, T-shirt, certificate of completion, workbook, plus special awards and prizes.

The headquarters for Ambassadors Football is located in Twinsburg. It can be contacted at (330) 963-6599.

Friendship Alliance Church has been hosting Ambassadors Soccer Camp for 15 years and has become a summertime favorite for hundreds of area youth. The church is located at 19126 Ravenna Road (State Route 44), 2.5 miles north of State Route 82 and 2.5 miles south of State Route 422. The church can be reached at (440) 834-0955 or at admin@FAC-OH.org.


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Anton Albert Photography