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Windham Township News


Windham  Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday April 3, 2014 with all trustees in attendance, along with the fiscal officer, seven residents and two guests.

The first item on the agenda after approving March’s expenditures and the minutes, was roads. The Road Supervisor Brian Miller reported that the roads held up well during the harsh winter but there was still some work to be done. Werger Road and Horn Road have the usual problems that they will continue to work on.  Brian Miller said he received a suggestion that the township consider filling in the cracks on Bryant Road early rather than later to prevent them from getting larger. The trustees took the suggestion under advisement.  Dann Timmons said they had yet to hear back from Dale Soinski’s lawyer on the cul-de-sac, but expect to see some paperwork on the issue soon. Trustee Rich Gano asked what roads they would consider chipping and sealing this year. Timmons said they will evaluate the roads as soon the weather breaks. 

Zoning Inspector Joe Pinti wrote one permit for an addition on Gotham Road. He also reported that everything was completed on the demolition on Colton Road. Pinti said he will keep up with the weekly inspections of a potential problem situation on State Route 82. Pinti was asked to inquire about a property that has numerous unlicensed cars on it. Pinti said he will investigate it.

In cemetery news, the, workers have filled in several graves that had settled over the winter. Gano said he is working on laying out more grave sites and expects to be able to lay out 70 more. The township expects to have eight foundations to pour this spring.

A neighboring resident presented information on the old church on Silica Sand Road. The resident tracked down the owners and asked if the trustees could do anything to demolish the structure, as it is in disrepair. Miller said he has been working with regional planning to see if they could get a Community Block Grant to use for the demolition. Because the structure was a public building Move Ohio Forward Program is not applicable for the old church.

Nelson Trustee Tom Matota presented information on vacating the barricaded portion of Shanks- Down Road. This section of road has been unused and has shared ownership among Southington, Braceville, Nelson, and Windham Township. Matota said the road has been unused for 21 years because it was too costly to keep up and thought the townships should vacate it and have closure with the issue. The trustees will take the suggestion under advisement.

Mr. Bill Isler Sr. presented a proposed a contract for landscape work on the township green. After reviewing the proposal, the trustees approved the new contract for the 2014.

A resident asked what the policy was on the use of tables and chairs from the township. Gano said they were free for township residents and they would need to see Kevin Wert about using them.

Another resident complained about parking on Wisteria Road. The resident claims that folks park on the road blocking driveways, mail boxes etc. He would like to see the township erect “No Parking” signs  on the road so the sheriff could enforce it. According to the resident, since there are no signs, the sheriff can’t enforce it. The trustees said they will talk to property owners on the road, but passed a resolution to purchase No Parking  signs for the entire  township.

The township clean-up date is set April 18-19 2014 7am until 5pm or until the dumpsters are full. They will take up to four tires per house hold.

The fiscal officer said the copy machine maintenance agreement was up on the copy machine and it is not worth renewing since the machine is 12 years old and the maintenance agreement is over $600 a year. After some discussion the township decided to just purchase a new copier.

There being not further business the meeting was adjourned


Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography