Home Letters to The Editor Thank You

Thank You


We, of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Garrettsville Post 5067, would like to express our deepest and heartfelt appreciation for the well-written article regarding the National Vietnam Veteran’s Day in the March 28th edition of The Villager.

With all that occurred that week regarding the terrible loss in our village, it was truly an “above and beyond” endeavor in journalism. As most people are aware, we lose an increasing number of World War II and Korean War veterans daily which has resulted in the passing of the torch to those who served during the Vietnam Era and all those who have served afterward.

In the natural progression of things, fifty plus years after the fact of the ending of the Vietnam War, that torch is ready to pass to a new generation of warriors who have served so honorably and faithfully in Iraq and Afghanistan; a new generation that our nation must never ignore, forget or deny the care that is due them. That is our duty as a nation and that duty in itself is all the thanks we of the Vietnam Era would ask.

Most respectfully,

John J. Kable and the officers and men of Veterans of Foreign Wars Garrettsville Post 5067


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