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Upcoming Community Events


Praise and Worship Service


Southington U.M.C. Praise and Worship Service, Saturdays at 7 pm. The church is located at the town center on S.R. 305. Casual dress and refreshments afterwards. Can’t make Sunday morning? Try us! For more info call 330-898-2156.


Garrettsville Eagles Fish Fry

Friday Nights

Garrettsville Eagles Fish Fry. Friday nights from 4-7:30pm.  Fish, shrimp or chicken tender dinners, also served as a combo. Baked potato or French fries, coleslaw or applesauce, green beans and dinner roll. To go orders welcome 330-527-2330.


Windham Am. Legion Fish Fry

Friday Nights

Windham American Legion Post 674 Friday Night Fish Fry from 4-7:30pm, now through Lent. Dinners available are Fish, Chicken, Shrimp or Combo, Also choice of two side’s green beans, mac n cheese, coleslaw or applesauce. Cost $8.00 per Dinner, Children under 5 free. Carry out available, 330-326-3188. Legion post located on 303 in Windham Ohio. Sponsored by S.A.L. of post 674


Monday Breakfast


American Legion Post 674 to host Monday morning breakfasts, serving from 7:30-11am at 9960 Center Street, Windham, Ohio. Cost is $6.00 or all-u-can eat for $7.00. Cost includes coffee and juice. Takeout is available. For more info call 330-326-3188


Spring Soccer Signups

Register Now

Soccer Signups for Current 7th and 8th grade Coed Garfield students in Geauga County League with Brosius Rd as home field.  Travel to Geauga County is required but not provided. Tentative practices to begin mid April and games in May. Contact Kim Curry 330-527-2186 or curryk19@yahoo.com.  Cost is $25.00 each.  Coached by the Garfield High School soccer coaches


Wednesday Lenten Services

Through Apr 9

The Windham Community Clergy Fellowship invites you to join them for Wednesday Lenten service followed by a time of fellowship.  All the services will be at 7pm and will be conducted jointly by the pastors and laity in the Windham area. March 12–Congregational Church of Windham 9029 N. Main St. March 19–Windham Church of the Nazarene 9749 E. Center St., March 26–St. Michaels Catholic Church 9736 E. Center St., April 2– Windham United Methodist Church 9051 N. Main St., April 9– Congregational Church of Windham  9029 N. Main St.


All New Lenten Pierogi & Fish Dinner

Through Apr 11

The Mantua Knights of Columbus are once again hosting their Annual Lenten Dinners every Friday during Lent 3/07- 4/11. Location will be at their hall on S.R.44 (North of S.R. 82). Door will be open 5:00-8:00 p.m. Serving ends at 7:30 pm. Enjoy your choice of combinations of pierogis, all new baked, beer battered cod or breaded shrimp. Takeout’s available after 4:30 p.m. by calling 330-274-2576. Prices are adults $12.00, seniors $11.00, kids 12 and under $6.00 for the pierogi and fish sticks or pierogi and shrimp dinners (as always mac and cheese, available as a substitute for kids side). All major credit cards accepted.


Soup & Sandwich Suppers

Through April 16

On Wednesdays throughout the season of Lent (March 5, 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9,16), soup and sandwich suppers will be held 5:30 – 7:30 pm in the community rooms of the Garrettsville United Methodist Church (handicapped accessible)for all those seeking to be filled with food  and fellowship.    Come to partake. Come to contribute. Come.


Spring Fling Raffle

Buy Now

Buy your ticket now for Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County’s Spring Fling Raffle. Tickets are $50 and only 200 will be sold. If all 200 are sold, one person will win $5000. In the event that 200 are not sold, a straight 50/50 drawing will be implemented. Don’t wait! To purchase your ticket call the Big Brothers & Sisters office at 330-296-6655.


Red Shield Pantry

1st Weds of the Month

South Portage Red Shield Pantry will be opened the 1st Wednesday of each month from 11am-1pm. Immaculate Conception Parish Hall, 251 West Spruce Ave., Ravenna. Please bring photo ID and your own bags to carry food. For more info call 330-296-7371.


Newton Falls Football Fish Fry Fridays

Now-Good Friday

Lenten fish fry at Newton Falls VFW every Friday now through Good Friday. Now – April 11th from 409om and April 18th from 11-9pm. Dinners include fried fish, bread and your choice of 3 sides. Cost is $9 for adults, $8 for Veterans and $7 for children 10 and under. The VFW Post is located at 433 Arlington Blvd in Newton Falls. Hosted by the Newton Falls Mothers Club. Proceeds to benefit the Newton Falls Football program. Call in orders 234-223-0448.


Rummage Sale

April 3 & 4

Braceville UMC located at 589 Park Rd in the center of Braceville off of St. Rt. 82 will be having their annual rummage sale on April 3rd from 9am-5pm and the 4th from 9am- noon, which will be dollar bag day. There will be a bake sale and light lunch served on the 3rd.


Spaghetti Dinner

April 4

Hiram Christian Church will host a benefit dinner for Hiram resident, Diane Casey, on April 4th from 5-7pm in the church’s Fellowship Hall. A  Hiram College Choir  program will be held in the church’s sanctuary at 7:30 pm. The concert is free. The meal includes spaghetti, bread, salad, drinks and dessert. The cost is $7.50 for adults, $3.00 for children and $20.00 for families. For more information, call the church office at 330-569-7697.


Fish Fry to Benefit Fire Victims

April 4 & 11

Join us for a Friday Fish Fry with fresh cut fries and cole slaw. All-You-Can-Eat is $11; Adults $8; Seniors $6; Kids (4-10) $4. The proceeds will help support fire victims and the Nelson-Garrettsville Community Food Bank.  April 4th and 11th serving from 4:00 to 8:00pm weekly. Carry out, beverages and desserts are also available. LIFE CHURCH ASSEMBLY OF GOD – 10280 State Route 88; Garrettsville, OH 44231. Call (330) 357-1215 for more information.


Spaghetti Dinner

April 4

Hiram Christian Church will host a benefit dinner for Hiram resident, Diane Casey, on April 5th from 5-7pm in the church’s Fellowship Hall.   A Hiram College Choir performance will be held in the church’s sanctuary at 7:30 pm. The concert is free. The meal includes spaghetti, bread, salad, drinks and dessert. The cost is $7.50 for adults, $3.00 for children and $20.00 for families. For more information, call the church office at 330-569-7697.


The Lordsmen in Concert

April 6

Join us April 6th at the Faith Evangelical Free Church in Garrettsville, as we hear The Lordsmen in concert. The service will begin at 11 am. The Lordsmen is a male quartet from Elkview, WV, and have traveled since 1966 spreading God’s Word through Southern gospel music. For more information, contact the church at 330-527-4068 or visit www.lordsmen.org.


Pancakes at the Grange

 April 6

Hambden Grange #2482 is serving an AYCE Pancake Breakfast with maple syrup, corn fritters, fruit, sausage, juice, cocoa and coffee, April 6th, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.  The Grange is located at 9778 Old State Road, Chardon. The cost is $7 for Adults and $3 for Children 10 and under


Prom Dress Sale

April 6

On April 6th from 1-5 in the High School band room, the James A. Garfield softball team will be sponsoring a prom dress sale featuring new and pre-owned prom dresses. All dresses will be priced from $5 up, nothing over $50. If you would like to help by donating a dress, please contact Sherry at 330-715-0837 or Tammy at 330-571-1534. All dresses purchased or donated will be given a tax deductible receipt.


Pancake & Sausage Breakfast

April 6

The Atwood-Mauck Post 459 – Burton-Middlefield will be hosting a pancakes & sausage breakfast on Apr 6th at the Post Home on Goodwin Street. Price is $8 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and under. Call Bo 440-834-8765 for details.


Preschool & Kindergarten Registration

April 7

Beginning April 7th, parents may pick up registration packets for preschool and kindergarten. Registration materials can be picked up in the Katherine Thomas Elementary office during regular school hours. Children must be 5 years old on or before August 1st to attend kindergarten. Parents/ guardians should bring the following information to register: child’s birth certificate, child’s social security card, immunization records, 2 forms of proof of residency and custody papers, if applicable. For more info, call K.T. at 330-326-9800.


Kolache Bake

April 8 & 9

St. Mary and St. Joseph’s Ladies Guild of Newton Falls will be baking homemade kolache for the Easter holiday and you may purchase this taste of Eastern Europe at the low cost of $10.00 each. Your choice of apricot, nut and poppy seed. To order, contact Barbara Wolff at 330-872-1951. Pickup times will be April 8th from 11am-3pm and April 9th from 11am-6pm.


Vintage Fashions Featured at Geauga West Library

 April 9 

The Geauga West Friends of the Library kick off the spring Look, Lunch and Listen series on April 9th  with a fun look at fashion from Victorian times to the present day with Stacie Murry, who brings fashion to life with her collection of period clothing. Programs begin at noon in the Eykyn Room. Bring your lunch; coffee will be provided. Come Wednesdays in April for a different and entertaining program each week.  All welcome. The Geauga West Library is located at 13455 Chillicothe Road in Chesterland next to West Geauga High School. The phone number is 440-729-4250.


Metaphysical Insights 528 Group of Trumbull County

April 9

The Metaphysical Insights 528 Group of Trumbull County, are requesting that our meetings on the second Wednesday of the month be included in your calendar of events or appropriate social announcements. We are a non-profit social organization for the purpose of spiritual expansion, personal enlightenment and metaphysical education inclusive of philosophy, religion, science and phenomena of spirit.


Rummage & Bake Sale

April 9 & 10

The Southington UMC Day Circle, Rts 305 &534 in Southington will be holding a Rummage & Bake Sale, will be April 9th  from 9-4pm. Homemade soup, sandwiches, desserts, and beverages will be available for purchase. Carry Outs also available. Bag Day will be April 10th from 9-11am. For more details call the church at 330-898-2156


Preschool Registration Open House

April 10

Apple Tree Preschool, located at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church on Park Avenue in Garrettsville, will be having a Registration Open House on April 10th between 6:00 and 7:30 PM.  Come check out our classrooms, meet the teachers and learn about our Step Up to Quality award-winning program!  Apple Tree Preschool is currently registering students between 3-5 years of age for fall classes. Call the church office at 330-527-2055 for more information.”


Drug Awareness Program

April 10

The head of the drug task force of the Portage County Sheriff’s Department will have a presentation on drug awareness in Portage County at the Nelson Community Center on April 10th at 7pm. Sponsored by Nelson Township Trustees.


All-U-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner

April 11

The Western Reserve Kiwanis is proud to announce that proceeds from our next All-U-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner will go to the Garrettsville Strong Fund & the Nelson-Garrettsville Community Cupboard!  Dinner is April 11th from 5-7 pm in Dix & the Ballroom in the Hiram College Kennedy Center. Dinner includes spaghetti with choice of meat or marinara sauce, salad, garlic bread, beverage, and ice cream, all for $ 6.00 for adults and children 8 and under FREE! Carry-out available! Anyone willing to help with the set-up, cooking, serving or clean up, please contact Carol Donley at donleycc@hiram.edu


Fish Fry      

April 11 & 18 

Fried fish, French fries, coleslaw and beverages will be served from 4:30 – 7:00 p.m. at the Parkman Community House (16295 Main Market/St. Rt. 422 – 1/4 mile east of St. Rt. 528 in Parkman).  Adult dinners are $9.00 (Dine-in or take-out).  Desserts will be available for an additional donation.  (An alternate kid-friendly dinner will also be available for $5.00 each.)  Sponsored alternately by Parkman Boy Scout Troop 76, Cub Scout Troop 4076, and Huskies’ Touchdown Club.  Please come out and enjoy a good meal and support our sponsors.


Oink & Squeal Party

April 12

The Burton American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Post 459 Oink and Squeal Party raffle and Chinese auction will be April 12th. Doors open at 5pm and raffle begins at 7pm. Raffle tickets are $2.00 each. 1st prize $250, 2nd prize $150 and 3rd prize $75, as well as 20 hams. Admission is nonperishable food and bath items or cash donations. The post is located at 1450 Goodwin St. For tickets contact any American Legion Ladies Auxiliary member.


Spaghetti Dinner

April 12

Windham UMC Spaghetti Dinner will be April 12th from 4:30-7 pm. Dinner includes all-you-can eat spaghetti, coleslaw, bread and butter, dessert and beverage. The church is located at 9051 N. Main Street in Windham.


Hypertufa Workshop

April 12

Come create a Hypertufa planter on April 12th from 10:00 a.m.-Noon at the Portage County Garden Center, 5154 S. Prospect St. Ravenna, Ohio (St. Rt. 44 s. of Rootstown) Fee: $20 all materials (except plants) included Contact Helena Parry for registration 330-673-0577.You can create a hypertufa planter. Materials will be provided. If you have a special form you want to use, or special items for creating outside texture, please bring them. We provide disposable latex gloves, but you may wish to bring a sturdier pair of dishwashing gloves. Your finished container will be wet. To safely transport the container in your vehicle, consider how to best secure your creation for the drive home. As your container cures it will strengthen, ensuring that it will stand the test of time in your garden. Contact Helena Parry at hmparry@att.net 330-673-0577


Easter Egg Hunt

Apr 12

The 61st annual Newton Falls Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Girl Scouts will be held April 12th at 1 pm at the Community Center basketball courts. The event is for ages 2 through 10. There will be 8000 eggs placed, all with prizes. The Easter Bunny will be visiting with guests. Anyone wishing to donate of help in any way, please call Shara Sullivan 330-872-7333.


Introduction to Bonsai  

April 12

Geauga County Master Gardeners present master of bonsai, Dale Harder, from The Cleveland Bonsai Club.  Learn about the history, origin and meaning of the ancient art of bonsai and how you can get started on creating your own bonsai tree.  Dale will display a few of his own creations.  Enjoy a demonstration and instructions in choosing the right plant, tools and pruning techniques.  Light refreshments provided. $15 fee.  While walk-ins are welcome, early registration is appreciated.  Call 440-834-4656 to register.



All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner

April 13

Knights of Columbus Council #3350 is having an ALL YOU CAN EAT spaghetti dinner on April 13th at Saint Mary’s social hall, 120 Maple Dr. Newton Falls, from 12:00pm to 3:00pm. Dinner includes: Spaghetti, with or without meatballs, Italian bread, salad, coffee or punch, and dessert. Adults: $7.00, Children: $3.00 (6-11), Children: Free (5 & under). Carryouts available. For any additional information please contact: Tom Fetock (330)-872- 5886 or Matt Stimac (330)-872-7865


NRA First Steps Shotgun Course 

April 13

Buying or just bought your first shotgun? Interested in learning how to shoot trap? Do you have a spouse, family member or friend who wants to shoot? This course is for you. NRA Certified Instructors to provide training with classroom and range instruction. Loaner shotguns, ammunition, targets, NRA training material and refreshments provided. Student needs to provide eye and ear protection. April 13th from  9:00 AM to 12:30 PM at Streetsboro Sportsman Association, 11280 Bloom Rd, Nelson Twp. 44231-9774. Price is $10.00 Please contact Tammi Peters, 330-527-0088 or tammip88@earthlink.net for more information and registration.


Bishop Murry’s Visit & Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast 

April 13

Bishop George V. Murry, S.J., Bishop of the Diocese of Youngstown, will be at St. Joseph’s in Mantua on Palm Sunday! Let us welcome him as he makes a parish visit and presides at the 11:15 a.m. Mass. Be sure to greet him as we enjoy our annual Pancake Breakfast at St. Joseph’s and the Mantua K of C on April 13th from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Hughes Hall.  The event features “All You Can Eat” Buttermilk Pancakes served with sausage patties & syrup, fruit toppings, and your choice of coffee, tea, orange juice. or milk. Great Family Prices:  Adults $7.00 • Seniors $5.00 • Children (6-12) $4.00 • Children 5 & Under FREE. Theme Basket Raffles are also a part of the fun! For more information, please visit www.stjosephmantua.com.


Appalachian Experience Bake Sale

April 13

During the Pancake Breakfast on Palm Sunday, April 13th, St. Joseph’s Appalachian Experience group will hold a bake sale to raise funds for their trip to Clintwood, VA in June to participate in their St. Joseph’s Housing Repair Program. All bakers may drop off their baked goods in the school hallway before Mass. Your support is greatly appreciated.


Portage County Gardeners – Speaker Series

April 15

Bill Johnson, an accomplished public speaker, naturalist, historian, filmmaker, re-enactor, wilderness skills instructor, and author will present an overview of native living in this area from prehistoric to historic times and then will focus on plants, planting, bio-engineering, native horticulture/agriculture and how all that effects us today. Bill’s personal experiences and commitment to detail provide an interesting insight to native American life. This event is open to the public and admission is free. April 15th at 1 pm. For more information, please contact Marilyn Tyger, 330.348.6089, tygerhyde@aol.com


Open House & Rummage Sale

April 19

The Huntsburg Grange will be having their annual Open House and Rummage Sale on April 19th from 10-2.


Breakfast with the Bunny

April 19

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and Easter egg hunt will be April 19th from 8-10am at the Windham UMC, 9051 N. Main St. in Windham. Open to kids ages 12 and under. Free picture with the Bunny, craft making, Easter egg hunt, and have breakfast on us


Red Shield Pantry

April 22

North Portage Red Shield Pantry will be opened the 4th Tuesday of each month from 11am-1pm. The Salvation Army, 9005 Wilverne Drive, Windham. Please bring photo ID & your own bags to carry food. For more info call, 330-326-6133.


Rummage Sale

April 25 & 26 

Rummage Sale at the Portage County Gardeners Center, 5154 S. Prospect St. Ravenna, Oh 44266 (Rootstown area) April 25th  & 26th from 9-2p.m. Clothes, books, nick-knack’s, craft stuff, household items, bedding, purses, shoes, bags,& miscellaneous


Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner

April 26

On April 26th there will be a stuffed pork chop dinner at the Braceville UMC off of St. Rt. 82 in the center of Braceville. The dinner begins at 4pm and we will serve until 6:30, unless we run out. Dinner will include mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, coleslaw, applesauce, homemade desserts, bread, coffee, tea or punch. The cost is $9.00 for adults and $3.50 for children. Takeouts are available.


Spring Rummage Sale

April 26

The Altar & Rosary Society of St. Ambrose Church, located at 10692 Freedom St. in Garrettsville, is hosting their annual Spring Rummage Sale and Bake Sale on April 25th from 9-5 and April 26th from 9-1. Saturday is bag day. The rummage sale will take place in the church hall. Call 330-274-8861 for more info.


Newton Falls Kiwanis Club’s Annual Steak Dinner 

 April 26

The Newton Falls Kiwanis Club will hold their annual Steak Cookout on April 26th from 4 to 7pm at the Newton Falls Community Center on Quarry Street.The meal includes a 14-ounce sirloin steak, on the grill, cooked as you wish, salad, potato, drink, and dessert, all for $15.00. Tickets can be purchased in advance from any NF Kiwanis member or by calling Bob at 330-872-3854. There will also be a 50/50 drawing. The proceeds from the steak cookout will help in three of our local projects: the junior Olympics on May 3rd at Newton Falls High School football field; our two annual scholarships awarded in May; and our new book give-away to first graders in May. Kiwanis meets every Tuesday (except the last Tuesday of the month) at 6:30 pm at The Covered Bridge Inn Restaurant. We welcome new members.



May 31- June 28

Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department is sponsoring an instructional T-ball program for boys and girls ages 4 and 6; child must be at least 4 years old before May 31st. The fundamentals of basic baseball / softball are taught as children learn better throwing, catching and batting techniques using tennis balls and batting tees. Classes will be held on Saturdays May 31st to June 28th from 10-11:15am. at Havre Woods Park in Ravenna.  Registration fee for City Taxpayers (live or work in the Ravenna City) is $32.00 or Non-City Taxpayers is $40.00.


Hambden Grange Concerts

June 21 & July 19

The Huntsburg Grange has bandstand concerts set for June 21 with Boys Are Back, and July 19 with Fort Huntsburg Band.  Concerts start at 6 PM, rain or shine.  If it rains, concerts are held on the town hall stage.   Bring your lawn chair.  Refreshments will be available. Businesses or individuals interested in sponsoring a concert, please call 477-2822.


Chaney High School Reunion

July 18 & 19

The Chaney High School Class of 1974 40th Class Reunion scheduled for the third weekend of July.  Please save the date and spread the word. The celebration starts on July 18th and the CHS Class of 1974 Invites All Chaney 70’s Graduates to “Come As You Were, Friday Night Fever Party”  at Kuzmans  Lounge.  Cost $5.00 per person. On July 19th the CHS Class of 1974 will be hosting a CHS Golf Outing followed by a CHS Class of 1974 Celebration at Kensington Golf Club in Canfield, Ohio.  For more information please contact Susan Callos Ryan at susanaryan2@aol.com, call 330-565-0726


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography