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Nelson Trustee News


Nelson Twp – Officials present at the February 19th, 2014 trustee meeting were fiscal officer J. David Finney and township trustees Joe Leonard, Mike Elias, and Tom Matota. Also present were, Roads Supervisor Chuck Vanek, Zoning Inspector Anna Mae VanDerHoeven, and Community House Caretaker Michelle Cmunt.

As the first order of business, Finney presented the minutes of the February 5th meeting for approval. Matota made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; Elias seconded the motion. All trustees voted to approve the minutes.
Following the presentation of the minutes, Finney provided the trustees with copies of the bills and wages to be paid totaling $19,202.02; he also presented the trustees with a fund status report showing $285,809.11 in total township funds. Finney also informed the trustees that he has received the final loan repayment amortization schedule, which requires semi-annual payments $156.15 in the spring and fall. Following this schedule, the township’s debt would be retired in January 2044.

A letter of intent was received from the R&I Construction Inc., the contractor hired by the county to perform work on the Windham-Parkman bridge. The contractor seemed to be under the impression that they had already received approval to place their trailer at Pixley Park (which was not the case). It was decided that Leonard would get in touch with R&I Construction to inform them that their trailer could be placed at Pixley park for $100 a month which would offset the use of utilities at the township garage. Elias made a motion to this effect, which was seconded by Matota. The motion passed unanimously.

Elias moved to pay the bills and wages as presented by Finney at the end of the meeting. Matota seconded the motion. The motion was approved with a 3:0 vote.

Cmunt reported that the delivery of cleaning supplies for the Community House have arrived, and are stored in the facility. She reported that Jim had met with Barry (the contractor refurbishing the floors) and that the Community House floors have been cleaned. Leonard will speak with Barry and have him come out to finish polishing the floors.
VanDerHoeven informed the trustees that Bonner has applied for a zoning change for nine parcels of land at the site of the old SR88 turkey farm. The remaining two parcels would remain zoned for commercial use. VanDerHoeven then explained the process of zoning changes to the present audience.

Vanek reported that three deliveries of salt have arrived, totaling 70 tons, currently stored in the township’s salt shed. Vanek explained an idea he had last year to construct a 14’x16’ room at the Township Garage to better organize the tools and resources in the shop. Working with Carter Lumber, Vanek received an estimate for around $800 to complete the project. Vanek identified $800 in unused appropriations currently allocated to Garrettsville’s Save-4-Store. Finney explained that the appropriations had expired on January 1st, and that the township was currently operating on temporary appropriations. Re-appropriations would be made before April 1. Finney plans to bring in worksheets so appropriation plans can be discussed at the next trustee meeting. Matota asked whether the trustees had to wait to discuss Vanek’s project, or if they could approve it now. Finney indicated that the trustees could make the approval at this time. The funds for the project would come from one of the road funds as the room benefits the road department.  Leonard made a motion to allow Chuck to construct the room at a price not to exceed $1000. Matota seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The trustees also authorized the sale of a single-axle landscaping trailer for $850. Interested parties should contact the township garage. Vanek also reported that he will be repairing the  outrigger cylinder on the backhoe.

The meeting was then turned over to Rodger Pettit of the Veterans’ Memorial Garden Park Project for a presentation. Pettit explained that the article that appeared in the Record Courier was printed ahead of schedule, and contained information that was inaccurate. Pettit clarified that there would be no charge for veterans to have their names engraved on the memorials.

For over two years, the Veterans’ Memorial Committee and the Grassroots Garden Club have been working together to plan the Nelson Township Veterans Memorial Garden Park. The park is being established to remember and honor past, present and future veterans from the Nelson community. The proposed memorial park would be located on the site of the old Nelson Township School, and would be positioned amongst the existing trees.
Funds would be raised for the project through the sale of sponsorship bricks and slabs, as well as additional brick pavers that would be made available as multi-line bricks for family members to leave memorial tributes. For additional details on the memorial, including information on purchandsing pavers, visit: http://yournelsonnews.com/veteransmemorialnews.html

Following Pettit’s presentation, Matota asked him for clarification on the shape of the gazebo. According to Pettit the Garden Club is set on a square 12’x12′ gazebo to match the shape and style of the Community House. Matota’s only other concern was over potential issues regarding messages on the pavers. Matota’s worry stems from the controversy surrounding the bricks at the entrance of the Village of Garrettsville’s Boardwalk years ago. Pettit and Elias assured Matota that the committee would be setting clear guidelines for what can or cannot be placed on a brick. Finney expressed concerns with how to enforce the guidelines for bricks with regards to 1st amendment rights; Pettit plans to check with Meduri for legal input. On behalf of the Veterans’ Memorial Committee, Pettit requested the allocation of $11,000 in funding toward the project, with the remaining balance of $42,000 to be contributed by the committee. A discussion of how to best handle the establishment of such a fund followed. Ultimately it was decided that Finney would look into how to best handle the request and establishment of the fund and report back.

Elias informed the other trustees that he and Vanek had obtained additional information from vendors for leasing or financing equipment. He also reminded everyone present that beginning with the March 5th trustee meeting the start time for meetings would be 7:00pm. Elias will have office hours March 4th from 4:00pm-6:00pm at the Pixley Park building. Elias also reminded everyone that a representative from Frontier would be present at the March 5th meeting to explain how internet service territories are established and what Frontier’s long-term plans for the area are.

Finney reported that he has finished relocating his office to the Pixley Park building, and while he will not have set office hours if you see that he is in you are welcome to stop. If you need a guarantee he will be there, call ahead or schedule an appointment.

Leonard reported that the progress has been made in the planning for the Salt Barn project (currently awaiting final prices), Fuel Project which has undergone revisions but is out for bid, and Pixley Park locks and security upgrades which are waiting for vendor call-back. Leonard has also been in touch with Larry Limpert from the Portage County Sheriff Department, and has scheduled a presentation on Portage County’s growing drug problems. This great educational tool for residents and township employees is scheduled for March 12th at 7:00pm.

Following the signing of checks, the trustees entered into executive session. The meeting was adjourned following the session.

Benjamin Coll

Ben is the co-owner and editor of The Weekly Villager and actively guides the James A. Garfield Local School District's student media programs. He oversees GGtv broadcasting, the High School yearbook, and Podcasting initiatives, fostering student creativity for the JAG community. In Garrettsville, he serves as vice president of the Garrettsville Area Chamber, vice president of the Garrettsville Board of Public Affairs, and contributes as a board member for the Nelson Garrettsville Community cupboard,

I-80 Storage in Newton Falls, Ohio
Benjamin Coll
Ben is the co-owner and editor of The Weekly Villager and actively guides the James A. Garfield Local School District's student media programs. He oversees GGtv broadcasting, the High School yearbook, and Podcasting initiatives, fostering student creativity for the JAG community. In Garrettsville, he serves as vice president of the Garrettsville Area Chamber, vice president of the Garrettsville Board of Public Affairs, and contributes as a board member for the Nelson Garrettsville Community cupboard,