Home Garrettsville Rotary Report

Rotary Report


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are focusing on their next community outreach project, the Four-Way Speech Contest.  The premise of the competition is that the speakers are to choose a social, moral and/or ethical problem that they feel strongly about and have personal knowledge about. This confrontation should be bearing in mind the quartet of principles that give the contest its name.  These are : Is it the truth?  Is it fair to all concerned?  Will it build good will and better friendships?  Will it be beneficial to all concerned?  A pretty tall order, yes?  
RotaryWheelFrom its proposal in 1932 to its adoption in 1943, the 4-Way test has been translated into more than a hundred languages and tackled by innumerable young persons with a vision and a purpose for our world.  More specifically, there are prizes.  At the local level, the winner will receive $100 and the runner-up will receive $50(When looking for school money, every little bit helps).  At the district level and higher, the rewards rise accordingly(District 6630–$750).  Any 9th through 12th grade students in  Garfield or Windham high school is eligible to participate.  The speech should last four to seven minutes.  The presentation date will be March 10 or March 17. More information is available on the district (6630) website.
Also on the club’s plate will be various training and assemblies and conferences coming up.  The Ravenna Rotary club will be doing their own Reverse Raffle in Ravenna at the Elks Club; all local groups are invited.
Rachel Schwan, local candidate for Rotary International Youth Exchange is looking at the possibility of being posted to Thailand.  Adventure!
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary meets Monday evenings in the Hiram College Dining Hall, 5:30-7:00.  Come and join in.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography