Home Columns & Editorials “Vernal” “Schmernal” is this the real thing?

“Vernal” “Schmernal” is this the real thing?


Okay, I’ve seen worms on the sidewalk, I’ve seen daffodils coming up (as well as a couple of lonely tulips) in front of the Y, there are more actual puddles of water than treacherous ice hazards, I got up at 3 A.M. to see the lunar eclipse (which was fairly impressive, I will say–too bad we couldn’t see it at four in the afternoon. One of the reasons that it was a remarkable sight is that this was the Full Worm Moon–plenty large), tipped my hat to the St.Patrick’s Day celebration downtown. I have spotted sap bucket/bags/pipelinesout there on maple trees still. I even went up and planted some bulbs on the east side of the front facade at the Y –the side NOT where the daffodils are. Some bulbs had been planted there years ago but they never really got much of a foothold, so we’ll see how anemones and ranunculus do this time.  What are ranunculus anyway?  Anemones I  got, but ranunculus?  Cute on the package. We’ll see.

At least the –not too much–rain came after I got those beauties in the ground; they’ll have a fighting chance.

One of the more problematic sayings from the OFA is “A March sun sticks like a lock of wool.” Riddle me that one. Is it like the sayings about lint and a black suit?

The OFA also indicates yet another eclipse of some sort on the 29th…along with the saying, “A word once out flies everywhere.”  That I can follow.

So…back to the original question, “Is this the real thing?” We have, of course, had snow considerably later in the year. My regular story on that harks back to a number of years ago when our very talented and ambitious gym teacher at the Middle School (when it was in the 1939 building on Park Ave.)pulled together a whole bunch of the skills she had been teaching and decided to present a dance program–actually quite a bit of gymnastics too–and got boys to even participate–think of that! Date was set for April 15th & 16th. Posters went up, PTA was notified and invited, everyone was practicing faithfully.  It was all set.

Except the weather

April 15th was declared a Snow Day Top that.

Anyway March 20 this year is the official first day of Spring. Don’t say that I didn’t warn you.

Iva Walker