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20th Century Club News


Hostess Carol Smith was assisted by Karen Miller and Marlene Szabaga at the March 6, 2025 meeting of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville.  Roll call was answered by declaring one’s favorite coffee or tea; abstainers from these beverages were forced to make explanatory declarations for their other choices. Mary Furillo received (in absentia)birthday congratulations and well-wishes for her better health and recovery. The calendar committee made an announcement concerning the next meeting, which will take place at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church on March 20. Nasreen Kitko reported out the nominating committee’s slate of officers for the coming year (‘25–’26). These included Sharon Miller–president, Marlene Szabaga–vice president,Anne Rubin–secretary, Connie Pesecky–treasurer. The slate was unanimously voted in and will begin serving following the Spring Party in April.

The program had been slated to be about how to grow, harvest and make teas from one’s own garden, however the speaker–Angie Smithburger of Always In Bloom–was indisposed and so the members took up the challenge by offering information and experiences about  beverages of all sorts–”Coffee, Tea, or Me” at home and abroad. This included coffees, teas, hot chocolate, medicinal uses, historical origins, social gatherings, family traditions, some not-very-traditional occasions & families, and coping strategies in unexpected situations. “A Cup o’ Kindness” indeed.

Iva Walker