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Learn to use map and compass during “Orienteering 101” 

Orienteering is the fun outdoor sport of navigating a designated course through the forest using only a map and compass…but how exactly is it done, and how enjoyable is it to see The West Woods in a whole new way?

Learn all about it from the Northeastern Ohio Orienteering Club during Orienteering 101 on Saturday, February 8, at The West Woods Nature Center. From 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., this introductory-level program will show you all the basics on using only basic tools to navigate – no GPS technology allowed!

If you love what you learn, then, and want to test your skills, register at http://neooc.com/upcoming-events for theTWW-O Classic 2025 Race at The West Woods on Saturday, March 8. From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., this special annual orienteering event will offer five classic-style courses ranging from beginner through advanced skill levels – fun for anyone, casual walkers, competitive runners, seasoned orienteers, and those just starting out. All courses can be done solo or as a group of two to six. Completion time will vary by course and skill level, but most take 45 to 120 minutes to complete. Come ready for adventure and dress for the weather! More information about the TWW-O race can be found on the website noted above.


Anton Albert Photography