Home Geauga County Attention to native plants, animals & adventures at West Woods

Attention to native plants, animals & adventures at West Woods


Three special opportunities Jan. 26 at The West Woods Nature Center

The West Woods Nature Center has something for everyone on Sunday, January 26 – a program about the science of native landscaping, a program to meet the critters who live in the building, and snowshoe borrowing if weather conditions permit.

From 1 to 2 p.m., join Eddie Lagucki, lead horticulturalist at Lantern Court Estate at Red Oak Camp, for Landscaping with Resilient Native Plants in a Changing Ecosystem and Climate, presented in collaboration with The Native Plant Society of Northeastern Ohio. Mr. Lagucki has a master’s degree in conservation leadership from Colorado State University and is an ISA Certified Arborist. Learn how local ecosystems have changed over time due to climate change and the cultivation of invasive plant species. He’ll also address which tough native plant species can improve ecosystem health and withstand a continually warmer, less predicable Northeast Ohio climate.

From 3 to 4 p.m., bring the whole family out to our first-ever Animal Ambassador Meet & Greet! Indeed, the critters that live inside the Nature Center are affectionately called “animal ambassadors” because they help teach people about the world around them. During this live animal program, Naturalist Andy Avram will introduce you up-close to our complete animal ambassador team and teach you about what makes them tick.

Guests to The West Woods are also invited daily to dress for the weather and take a winter hike or borrow snowshoes if weather permits! Snowshoes of many sizes, including youth sizes, are available first come, first served, and free for Geauga residents. For more information, visit www www.geaugaparkdistrict.org/activity/snowshoeing.

For more on Geauga Park District offerings, please call 440-286-9516 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. or visit Geauga Park District online via www.geaugaparkdistrict.org, Facebook, X, Instagram or YouTube.


Anton Albert Photography