Home Kent Portage County Mental Health & Addiction Walk for Recovery

Portage County Mental Health & Addiction Walk for Recovery


The Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County will be hosting the Portage County Mental Health & Addiction Walk for Recovery on Sunday, September 29. Participants will gather at the Kent Free Library at 1:30pm at the 2nd floor conference room. There will be information tables, interactive activities, refreshments, and prizes.

The walk will begin at 2pm, traveling to the Wick Poetry Center garden. Participants may share poetry on their recovery journey. From there, the walk will continue around downtown Kent and return to the library.

Local organizations that are interested in displaying an information table should contact Gina at ginag@mhrbpc.org. The event is free and everyone is welcome to join in this community walk to promote understanding and reduce the stigma surrounding addiction and mental illness.
