Home News “This Is How We Roll”

“This Is How We Roll”


There’s nothing quite like seeing the face of a bowler who has just shot his or her first 200 game – and I got to see it twice last week.  In his second game, Adam Norris rolled 200 on the nose.  It was obvious from the look on Adam’s face that he hadn’t realized quite how well he was bowling!  Adam was also over his 126 average the other two games, and had a nice 462 series.

Barrett Jackson didn’t look quite as surprised, but he certainly looked just as happy when he rolled a 206 his last game.  Barrett has been bowling for several years now, and his average is up to 132.  Congratulations to Adam and Barrett on breaking the 200 mark for the first time.

There were a number of other good games bowled last week.  Lauren Sanchez was 53 pins over her average with a nice 179 game.  Austin Sledz was 43 over average with his 152 game.  Austin was over average all three games, in fact, and his 406 series was 79 pins over.  Other nice games:  Lucas Titschinger, 160 (36 over), Clark Jackson, 156 (35 over), Wilson Jackson, 133 (32 over), Billy Potteiger, 154 (29 over), Sybri Shaffer 96 (28 over), Nathan Phillips, 155 (27 over), and Logan Flack, 119 (25 over).

In the 9:00 Trio League, Ryan Lance had a nice 106 his last game, 36 pins over his average.  Emily Linamen was 33 over with her 102 game.  And Damian Tourville was 21 pins over average with a game of 70.

Paige Johannsmeier had the top game for the PeeWees with 109.  Other bumper bowlers topping the century mark were Jesse Neu with 102, and Dawson Carter and Pete Maldonade with 101 each.



Anton Albert Photography