Home Iva's Input The hinges of where now?!

The hinges of where now?!


H-E-double toothpicks, you say?  Wowzah! 
I guess so.

My car temperature reading was 92.  My house all-purpose thermometer (date, time, indoor/outdoor air pressure, humidity) showed that I was escaping from 93 degrees outside and lolling about in just 77 measly degrees–the air conditioning was set at the recommended 78 degrees to avoid overtaxing the cooling system and costing me beaucoup bucks in electricity–with the semi-coolish space down in the basement, which usually cruises along, even in winter, at 51 degrees, now registering at 54/55.  Hot, you say?

The water feature in the backyard requires refilling at least twice per day.  The birds are cleaning out the feeders at least two or three times per day; I figure the usual berries & green stuff has been dehydrated to the point of being pretty raisin-like and my feathered friends are “hongry” from dawn to dusk, so they’re stopping in for (literally) take-out…if they can beat the squirrels to it.  I have a tall thermometer out by the corner of the garage, basically in full sun, which is showing 105 every so often–wheew!

My auxiliary dehumidifier (the furnace/air conditioner one only comes on when the air conditioner does) is sucking its little mechanical heart out and has to be emptied every time  I go down to the basement…which I have actually done just to escape the conditions upstairs–not that anyone would notice, but I also spent time doing some much-needed  straightening and pitching out.  Where’s another Trash Day when it’s needed?

The cats have pretty much given up on snuggling, thank goodness.  They are mostly lying about on cool surfaces, like the kitchen and bathroom counters–Corian rules!  They also have favorite spots downstairs, which can be identified by their patina of cat hair.

The OFA says, “Clouds loom in flashing skies, and flowers bloom before our eyes.”  Then there’s National Sunglasses Day (6/27)  and SummerFest (Time Warp). Let’s roll.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography