Home Other Areas Free Water Monitoring Conducted by Concerned Citizens Ohio

Free Water Monitoring Conducted by Concerned Citizens Ohio


Shalersville – Free well water monitoring will be conducted  the first Sunday in December, Dec. 1, 2013, at Sand Hill Stable 4311 State Route 303, just west of the 303/44  intersection. This is the first testing since the start of the new quarterly testing schedule.

Trained water monitors from Concerned Citizens Ohio will test for chemicals and salts that can show possible contamination from nearby drilling, injection wells, or pipeline leaks. 

Residents should be reminded that these evaluations are not EPA certified, but they do provide a baseline in the event of contamination. CCO recommends that private water wells should be tested by an EPA certified lab, such as the Portage County Health Department, especially now that so much new pipeline construction threatens to pass so close to people’s water supplies.

How and where a water sample is taken is important. If possible, run cold water for a full ten minutes before the water reaches hot water heaters,  softeners, or other treatment. Collect the sample in a clean, large mouth glass jar (such as a mason jar)— at least two cups’ worth.  Names should be on jars.

Since  Sand Hill Stable, a private barn,  is graciously hosting our water monitoring, people who come are asked not to disturb any of the animals or wander the premises, but to remain in the lounge area where testing will be held.  The barn is one of northeastern Ohio’s special examples of 100% use of renewable solar energy, and it is a privilege to be there.

While waiting for test results, a presentation offering information about pipeline construction in Portage County will be offered for those interested.

The next water testing will be conducted in March, according to the new quarterly testing schedule. For further information, call Mary Greer, 330-472-8086



Anton Albert Photography