Home Middlefield Read-A-Latte on June 20th

Read-A-Latte on June 20th


Have you participated in a book club, only to find that the books selected weren’t really your cup of tea? Or did you struggle to make time in your busy schedule to read the chosen book, so you’d have something ‘smart’ to say when your group met next? Wouldn’t it be great to have a book club where you could just enjoy books, friends, and drinks—without any homework? 

Then dear reader, look no further than the Read-a-Latte Silent Book Club, where coffee (and tea) lovers and readers unite! This monthly meet-up takes place on Thursday, June 20th at 10 am at Ferroni’s Café & Coffee in Middlefield (14950 S Springdale Avenue). Then — and every third Thursday — you can join with other readers to read for an undisturbed hour in a cozy setting. You can read what you want – ebooks, audiobooks, textbooks, or comic books — with no homework required! At the end of the hour, attendees can socialize—or not! Read-a-Latte Silent Book Club is co-hosted by the Middlefield Branch of the Geauga County Public Library.  

Silent Book Club® (SBC) is a global community of readers, with more than 1,000 chapters in 50 countries around the world. SBC events are free and support local businesses. Friends and strangers gather at a set time and location, order food or drinks, share what they’re reading, and settle in for an hour of silent, sustained reading. 

Read-a-Latte SBC is the first Silent Book Club in Geauga County. For more information, visit Ferroni’s Café & Coffee on Instagram or check out the programs & events page at Geaugalibrary.net. For more information on Silent Book Club®  visit silentbook.club.


Anton Albert Photography