Home Geauga County Breeders & Feeders 4-H off to a strong start

Breeders & Feeders 4-H off to a strong start


Congratulations to Haylee Taylor, a member of the Breeders & Feeders 4-H Club! Geauga County 4-H held a county wide T-Shirt design contest where members across the County could submit a design to have featured on the 2024 Jr. Fair shirt. Geauga County 4-H members submitted their votes selecting the favorite design. Haylee Taylor’s design received the most votes and will be featured on this year’s Geauga County Jr. Fair shirt.  Marko Gibbs was recognized for his excellent 4-H window display promoting 4-H membership. He was presented with an Ohio 4-H Foundation Lego kit by our advisor Karen Techiman.

Our club members have been very busy selecting their pigs, goats and lambs to exhibit at the Geauga County Fair. This past weekend all the animals were tagged and weighed as the project season officially kicks off for many. Some of our members also breed their livestock and work diligently year-round being producers of fuel, food and fibers. Breeders and Feeders 4-H club is proud to have a long-standing heritage of agricultural roots in livestock. In addition to livestock our club members also participate in a variety of other projects ranging from cooking, leadership, community involvement and even Knots. Ohio 4-H offers over 200 different projects for its members to select.


Anton Albert Photography