Home Schools Crestwood School Board Report – November 2013

Crestwood School Board Report – November 2013


Mantua – At the recent School Board meeting, the Board approved the resubmission of the Five-Year forecast for the fiscal years ending June 20, 2014 through 2018. The forecast was submitted to the Ohio Department of Education, as required by law. Continuing, the Board approved the first reading of several new and revised Board policies. Items included were several new and revised policies relating to anti-harassment, and the revision on a policy relating to bullying.

During Board Reports, Debra Soltisz updated the Board on the status of Middle and High School fall sports. Ms. Soltisz reported that Crestwood Middle School Cross Country Girls Team was 2nd place in the PTC Metro Division, while the Boys Team was 3rd place. The Middle School Soccer Team completed its fourth, and most successful season ever this fall. The team’s final record was 10-2-1.

Both the 7th and 8th Grade Football Teams had a building year. There were many positive experiences for both teams, which had many close losses. There is great potential for both teams next year. In addition, both 7th and 8th Grade Volleyball Teams finished as PTC Metro champs. Both teams had great season records and a great tournament finish.

At the High School, both the Girls & Boys Cross Country teams were 2013 PTC champs.  Junior Jeremiah Fitzgerald was named Runner of the Year as the individual champion of the Boys Metro PTC meet.  Boys CC coach Jim Schweickert was named Coach of the Year, and the girls CC coaches, Megan Cameron and Samantha Usher, were named Co-Coaches of the Year.

The High School boasted three District Championship Teams this fall in Volleyball and both the Boys and Girls Cross Country Squads. The Volleyball Team reached the Regional Final game this year, completing their finest season in Crestwood history.  The defending Division II State Champion, Beaumont, defeated them.

The Girls Cross Country Team of Abby Soltisz, Challis Roberts, Kira Judd, Evie Head, Melissa Soltisz, Taylor Michael, Bella Wagner and alternate Melina Edic qualified for the State Cross Country Tournament, where the girls ran well, placing 13th.

Jacob Ondash from the Boys CC team qualified as an individual to the State meet.  Jake ran a very strong race, finishing in 44th place. It’s important to note that these nine CC scholar-athletes representing Crestwood at the State Tournament averaged a 3.81 GPA.

The next School Board Meeting will be held in the High School Library on Monday, December 9th at 7 pm. This regular December meeting of the Board will be preceded at 6:45 pm by a public hearing for rehire of a retiree.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography